How to get the world to respond with love
The world reacts to our fear and doubt and responds to our love and faith.
Especially when panicking or giving up feels like the go-to option, consider that trust, commitment, and their relatives are the only powerful choices.
Paths forward do not reveal themselves in the presence of dread. They are illuminated by your choice to believe in our resilience.
Why learning takes time
There are things to learn from books, podcasts, courses, teachers, and mentors.
There are things to learn from your past, future, and present.
Either way, the key to truly learning is taking the time to implement what we discover. If we haven’t begun integrating what we now believe into our everyday lives, then we haven’t learned, and the process of believing and not acting is very stressful for us.
Learning is not about how much content you consume or how much journaling you do; it is about taking action. A large part of the growth process is the time spent away from consumption and introspection in the trenches.
What is it time for you to do instead of know?
The way to get great is to start
If you want to be great at handstands, the key is first to get comfortable taking tiny hops and getting your feet off the ground.
If you want to become skillful at solving the correct problems, the key is first to get comfortable with taking tiny actions where you feel scared.
If you want to become a great spouse one day, the key is to first go on some dates and discover what it takes to be in a relationship.
There will be a point in your journey where your deep understanding of the whole allows you to execute with mastery, and for now, just starting where you feel brand new is enough.
On the other side of transformation
On the other side of transformation lives the re-creation.
As you evolve on the inside, you will need to actively work to change things on the outside. The people in your life will still see you as the you of yesterday, and you will still need to work to unlearn patterns that have been a part of your personality for a while. Don’t let this work stop you. This re-creation is actually how you fully integrate your transformation.
As you feel the discomfort of bumping up against old habits that no longer align with who you are on the inside, all you have to do is acknowledge them to yourself and others as they come up and practice making new choices. Owning your inevitable slip-ups as you grow is vital, as the ownership sets you free. As you practice radiating your new way of being out to the world more and more, the old patterns will fall away. Perfection is not a part of transformation; compassion is.
Your ability to re-create your life is your birthright. Where is it time to create your outer world to match the new you?
Transparency as a love language
We often think we protect one another by withholding information to keep someone’s feelings from being hurt.
However, all the energy we spend attempting to manage one another’s emotions could be better spent on teaching one another that we can love someone and simultaneously share information with them that they might not like. We incorrectly learned somewhere along the line that discomfort and love are mutually exclusive when, in reality, they cannot exist without each other.
Being transparent requires bringing enough light for everyone to see clearly. This means telling the truth from love for yourself and love for the other person. Helpful transparency is different than irresponsibly spewing hate on someone.
Where might a new depth of relationship be available if you practiced transparency as a love language?
Creating an experience vs. delivering information
It’s the experience we create that makes the biggest difference, not the information we give.
Experiences create memories in our bodies, and our minds are designed to forget.
Especially in a world where most knowledge can be Googled, practice creating meaningful experiences for people, including yourself, and the important stuff will stick.
Little moments of hard for a big experience of ease
When little moments of hard dont throw you off, the whole becomes easy.
Bring ease to the little moments of hard, and in hindsight the process will have been easy.
Hard is a part of the whole, yet wholeness brings ease.
Impressing vs. co-creating
There is no “right” thing that you should already know in this moment. There is no “right” experience you should have had that qualifies you to provide value. We are meant to bring our knowledge and experiences together to co-create, not to prove to each other that we already know.
You will know what to say when you need to know, and you will know what to do when you need to know. If you let go of needing to be impressive and instead shift to co-creation. If you are present in your life and trust your inner guidance, you can trust you will have the perfect experiences to set you up to contribute through what you know and what you don’t know.
If you want people to be able to relax around you
When our souls can rest, we can see more clearly, be more loving, give more, and receive more. We need to have the perfect amount of rest to endure, create, contribute, be challenged, and grow.
If you want to be someone who supports people in feeling clear, loving, generous, receptive, creative, and powerful, creating an environment with enough ease is critical. Ease doesn’t mean you don’t talk about or do the tough stuff; it means you don’t make it harder than it has to be by bringing judgment, fear, comparison, lack, doubt, or anything of that flavor into the space.
There is no way around the challenges and heartbreaks of this life. Yet, when we deeply know and can rest in the truth of who we are at our essence, these obstacles don’t need to threaten our worth, and our souls can rest. If we want people to let go and trust us, we need to be able to let go ourselves and trust in something bigger.
Could it be that the most critical knowledge to have as a “leader” is your own knowing of what you believe you can rest in?
Teachers, leaders, and mentors
A true teacher won’t tell you what to do. They know they don’t know what you should do because only you can know.
A true teacher will give you the tools, ask the questions, and create the environments that help you learn from your Self what to do. Leading is not about having the answers. It is about discovering, demonstrating, and teaching how to navigate the unknown.
Don’t let what someone has already created stop you from creating now
No one else can create what you are meant to create with your life, and the process and practice of creating are essential to your fulfillment. To create, you must be present, and one of the greatest threats to your creative power and your fulfillment is comparison.
Comparison is a form of going to the future and going to the future can be an inspiring, wisdom-generating place to rest, or it can be a place to hide inside the fear of what could go wrong. When we compare what we are creating with our lives now with what other people have already made with their lives in the past, we are abdicating our responsibility and therefore giving away our power. We are meant to uplift and inspire one another, not create shoulds and shouldnt’s to box ourselves and others inside of.
Comparison is a cop-out. We need you to be fully yourself and bring your perspective and presence. Your journey is unique. You can learn from someone else without comparing yourself to them or copying them. It takes courage to be in the present moment and create; courage is your essence.
What might it feel like to get go of trying to measure your outcomes based on comparison and shift to generating the feeling of creating in the present moment?
“Meh” won’t do it
Transformation happens in intensity; it doesn’t happen in “meh.”
If you are waiting to experience something new, yet it’s not happening, you likely need more intensity. However, intensity doesn’t always mean discomfort. Intensity can also be felt in the form of Love, often found through surrender, ease, and letting go.
What do you need today to continue down your transformational path? The intensity of discomfort that comes with new levels of effort? Or the intensity of Love that comes with new levels of letting go?
The ripple effect only happens when you dive in
The ripple effect of your life only happens when you dive in.
Your inner truth, passion, creativity, and gifts will only be felt by others when you are willing to trust yourself and dive into the depths of what lies within you. Contribution is an inward journey, not an outward one. As you continue to discover and delve more deeply into what is most resonant with you and create your actions and expression from it, what you give to the world will happen naturally.
It may feel scary to go for it, as this requires you to let go of what others might say, think, or expect. However, you have no control over those things anyway, so letting go is how you shift from struggling to serving.
Where are you waiting on the edge instead of diving in?
Simple is better than easy
Love, or anything else worth devoting your life to, is incredibly simple, yet it is not necessarily easy to stay connected to and embody with the distractions around us. While keeping our focus on the most important thing might not feel easy, when we are willing to practice, it makes the rest of our lives simpler and more profound.
Instead of seeking the easy way, seek the simple way. The simple way requires us to let go of what we know and how everyone else does it. It requires surrendering to the mystery of the unknown. If it were easy, everyone else would already be doing it, and we would be living in a different world. By having the courage to keep things simple, you create a new possibility for others, which eventually makes things easier.
What would be possible if you were willing to seek the simple path instead of the easy path?
A new way to look at receiving
Everything you need to “let in” is already within you.
Peace, support, abundance, wisdom, or anything else you are hoping to receive or allow already exists within you. There is no big project to embark on around opening yourself up to be able to receive. All you need to do is practice allowing yourself to be present and turning your focus to noticing those things in your body and field, here and now.
Inevitably your focus will start to turn outward towards things that your mind thinks are missing. When this happens, simply bring your attention back to the present moment and practice sensing and feeling what is already within. This continued practice will help you receive all the gifts you’ve already been given and are just waiting to be activated with your focus.
What have you been waiting for that’s actually waiting for you?
When you don’t know, learn.
We are in a collective learning process, yet we forget that we don’t need to know everything already.
When we find ourselves stressed because we don’t know the answer to something, we can do one of three things:
Find someone who does know and learn from them. You get to grow through the growth of others.
Surrender to the fact that you are the one to discover the answer, and no one else can have the answer for you. As you learn, you help others grow.
Embrace that no one may ever know. We can all be courageous together.
The more we are willing to learn and share with one another, the more we will be able to withstand the discomfort of the unknown. It’s one thing not to know, and it’s another to feel lonely. What if we could remember we are in an 8-billion-person learning process and let our experiences compound for the collective good?
Knowing you can vs. doing it
There is a big difference between knowing you can and actually doing it.
Choice matters the most when we use it to do the hard thing. If we always choose the easy way out, we aren’t harnessing the power of our free will.
You are capable of using your life to create something extraordinary if you are willing to figure out how to do things that your circumstances make seem impossible. The practice of creating your own path rather than waiting for the path to be created for you will show you how many of your “limitations” are simply habits, patterns, and ways of relating to the world. When you experience the power of doing the impossible, your life inside your body changes. This comes from doing the thing, not knowing you can do it.
What is it time for you to choose to do so you can have the embodied experience?
If you want to learn, create.
The creative process is really a learning process.
If you think of yourself as someone who “isn’t creative,” you are labeling yourself as someone who isn’t a learner. The point of creating something isn’t to be “good at it”; it is to learn about yourself along the way. And as you learn about yourself, you know about others.
We are all creators at our essence, and when we spend time creating, whether it is a piece of art, a business, or a gathering, we tap into our internal teacher, the source of our wisdom.
Self-worth comes from what you are interested in
Self-worth is a feeling that comes from deep fulfillment. Fulfillment comes from focusing on what interests you rather than what makes you attractive.
Many of us were trained to source our self-worth from the approval of others, namely those who control the systems we are trying to “succeed” in. This has led us to try and fail at finding fulfillment through managing the way we look, the way we are perceived, or how much we produce. While our lower personalities may find satisfaction from “controlling” these uncontrollable things, they never lead to long-term Self-love.
The high practice then, is to notice the pull to place our focus outward and shift it inward. We were designed to experience Self-worth when we focus on what we are uniquely meant to do. Some of us may know we are meant to write, sculpt, code, teach, or be an athlete. Some of us are still discovering what we are passionate about. However, if we follow the path step-by-step of what interests us at a soul level, we will discover a relationship with ourselves that no one else can take away, change, or even compete with. Our internal experience of deep curiosity and wonder trumps our search for external, fleeting validation any day.
What would life feel like if you shifted from focusing on approval to discovery?
You are the only one who can know and decide
We were given authority over our lives, but we must use it. Our authoritative power exists in our willingness to decide. Many of us will not make a decision we are meant to make because we are avoiding the discomfort on the other side of the decision.
Deciding to do something is different from hoping to or trying to. Often, we lean towards something without truly deciding so that when it gets intense, we can back off and return to what feels comfortable and familiar. A proper decision cuts off the other alternatives, including the old familiar ways, and puts us on the hook. Because of personal responsibility, a.k.a. being “on the hook,” holds the most extraordinary spiritual rewards, it also holds the most significant resistance. When we become fully willing to move through intense discomfort and resistance, we can become the authors of our lives.
There is the discomfort that comes from stagnating, and then there is the discomfort that comes from growing. What if the latter was the sign that we are tapping into our authoritative, creative power, which is, therefore, the most thrilling part of being alive?
There is no one else who can decide for you. Only you can decide.