Don’t let what someone has already created stop you from creating now

No one else can create what you are meant to create with your life, and the process and practice of creating are essential to your fulfillment. To create, you must be present, and one of the greatest threats to your creative power and your fulfillment is comparison.

Comparison is a form of going to the future and going to the future can be an inspiring, wisdom-generating place to rest, or it can be a place to hide inside the fear of what could go wrong. When we compare what we are creating with our lives now with what other people have already made with their lives in the past, we are abdicating our responsibility and therefore giving away our power. We are meant to uplift and inspire one another, not create shoulds and shouldnt’s to box ourselves and others inside of.

Comparison is a cop-out. We need you to be fully yourself and bring your perspective and presence. Your journey is unique. You can learn from someone else without comparing yourself to them or copying them. It takes courage to be in the present moment and create; courage is your essence.

What might it feel like to get go of trying to measure your outcomes based on comparison and shift to generating the feeling of creating in the present moment?


Teachers, leaders, and mentors


“Meh” won’t do it