Little Shifts for a Big Life
by Nancy Perry
Ready to transform your life through choice, courage, and commitment?

Are you ready for change, but unsure of the path to ultimate happiness and success?
Personal developmental leader, yoga teacher, and successful entrepreneur Nancy Perry feels that we would live in a much different—and better—world if we took the time to pause, listen in, and choose a perspective that is useful for ourselves and others. Full of motivating short essays, Little Shifts for a Big Life is both spiritual and inspiring, yet incredibly practical and direct. You can pick up this book in the morning to set the tone for your day, in the middle of the day to re-start and correct course, or at the end of the day to convert any challenging experiences into growth. You will learn that:
You have a choice in who you are, no matter the circumstances.
Our bodies have incredible wisdom and are just as important to include in our lives as our thinking minds.
Response and reaction are two different things.
Forgiveness is key and helps us see what isn’t working so we can grow.
Little Shifts for a Big Life is an encouraging reminder that we are all a vital part in changing the world for the better, starting with ourselves.
Thank you for Making Little Shifts a Number One Amazon Best Seller!
Thanks to you, Little Shifts for a Big Life shot right to the top of the Amazon Best Seller list as number one in 5 categories! Thank you for loving yourself and the people you bought it for enough to commit to engaging in a meaningful conversation and movement to make the world a more vibrant place!
“In her inaugural book, Nancy Perry delivers page after page
of actionable perspectives to make all our days better now! I
highly recommend Little Shifts for a Big Life as a family room
perennial, brightening your mind space with fresh thinking,
such as ‘Don’t Take Yourself Personally.’ Nancy’s voice is funny,
honest, and practical. This is a pick-up, read, put-down, and
get-after-it type of book! It’s a great year-round gift for seekers
young and old!”
—Susanne Conrad, author of Get There Now,
founder of Lightyear Leadership
Author Nancy Perry
A look inside Little Shifts for a Big Life
We seem designed to give love and receive love, which is why it feels so good. Our bodies have a powerful way of constantly letting us know when we are on the right track, and it’s important to learn how to listen.
Unconditional love is not an emotion. It is not something we need to wait around to feel. It is something we can choose.
Boundaries are not so much about what you are keeping out but what you are staying connected to.
True leadership is a form of service and is about supporting people in their growth. To support folks, you must be able to sup- port yourself first, eliminating dissonance in your life and taking responsibility for your peace of mind.
True personal responsibility is the opposite of selfishness. When we do this kind of inner work from a place of remembering that we have already won, we will automatically be inspired to serve others as a part of our authentic self-expression.
A belief is not a fact; it’s a choice. Yet it is a choice that places real limits on what’s possible. Therefore, to begin doing things you never believed you could do, all you need to do is be open to changing your beliefs.
Faith in ourselves or in a higher power does not have to do with everything working out as we planned. Fulfillment does not rely on what happens to us. Our experience of our lives is directly correlated with what we lean on when things get tough and what we focus on when things are beautiful.
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Kind Words about Little Shifts for a Big LIfe
"Big vision, big dreams, big life, big heart, big impact, big results. Everything Nancy Perry does makes you, as the reader, feel big. Vulnerable, raw, truthful, and transformational—this is the essence of Nancy's work. I've known Nancy Perry for over 10 years; I've taken her yoga classes, read her blog daily, and watched her make those little shifts as an entrepreneur, teacher, leader, wife, and mother to live her BIG life. Nancy's gift is making everyone around her better, and this book will undoubtedly make your life better. Through her wisdom and experiences, "Little Shifts for a Big Life" will inspire you to embrace change and unlock your full potential. Nancy Perry's journey is a testament to the power of small, consistent steps toward living a truly happy and purposeful life.”
Greg Scheinman
Bestselling Author of The Midlife Male, Speaker, Entrepreneur & Coach