Self-worth comes from what you are interested in
Self-worth is a feeling that comes from deep fulfillment. Fulfillment comes from focusing on what interests you rather than what makes you attractive.
Many of us were trained to source our self-worth from the approval of others, namely those who control the systems we are trying to “succeed” in. This has led us to try and fail at finding fulfillment through managing the way we look, the way we are perceived, or how much we produce. While our lower personalities may find satisfaction from “controlling” these uncontrollable things, they never lead to long-term Self-love.
The high practice then, is to notice the pull to place our focus outward and shift it inward. We were designed to experience Self-worth when we focus on what we are uniquely meant to do. Some of us may know we are meant to write, sculpt, code, teach, or be an athlete. Some of us are still discovering what we are passionate about. However, if we follow the path step-by-step of what interests us at a soul level, we will discover a relationship with ourselves that no one else can take away, change, or even compete with. Our internal experience of deep curiosity and wonder trumps our search for external, fleeting validation any day.
What would life feel like if you shifted from focusing on approval to discovery?