When you don’t know, learn.
We are in a collective learning process, yet we forget that we don’t need to know everything already.
When we find ourselves stressed because we don’t know the answer to something, we can do one of three things:
Find someone who does know and learn from them. You get to grow through the growth of others.
Surrender to the fact that you are the one to discover the answer, and no one else can have the answer for you. As you learn, you help others grow.
Embrace that no one may ever know. We can all be courageous together.
The more we are willing to learn and share with one another, the more we will be able to withstand the discomfort of the unknown. It’s one thing not to know, and it’s another to feel lonely. What if we could remember we are in an 8-billion-person learning process and let our experiences compound for the collective good?