You are the only one who can know and decide
We were given authority over our lives, but we must use it. Our authoritative power exists in our willingness to decide. Many of us will not make a decision we are meant to make because we are avoiding the discomfort on the other side of the decision.
Deciding to do something is different from hoping to or trying to. Often, we lean towards something without truly deciding so that when it gets intense, we can back off and return to what feels comfortable and familiar. A proper decision cuts off the other alternatives, including the old familiar ways, and puts us on the hook. Because of personal responsibility, a.k.a. being “on the hook,” holds the most extraordinary spiritual rewards, it also holds the most significant resistance. When we become fully willing to move through intense discomfort and resistance, we can become the authors of our lives.
There is the discomfort that comes from stagnating, and then there is the discomfort that comes from growing. What if the latter was the sign that we are tapping into our authoritative, creative power, which is, therefore, the most thrilling part of being alive?
There is no one else who can decide for you. Only you can decide.