No such thing as a free lunch?
It may be true that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Yet, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are indebted to anyone if you receive a gift.
It could be that you have already paid and are being rewarded. Infinite Intelligence always pays us for doing the right thing, often in unexpected ways.
You have been a blessing, so prepare to be blessed.
Tend to the boring, and life becomes beautiful
What if you stopped focusing on what is fancy and flashy and focused on what is simple and grounding?
What if you were disciplined enough to experience the abundance and joy of staying connected to what is most important?
The more profound question these questions bring up is the one worth answering first and always, what do you see as the most essential thing to focus on during this one miraculous life you have been given?
Focusing on what is truly valuable to us means we must be willing to feel the discomfort of letting go of what we believed would make us happy, which is likely what has made us feel safe and comfortable yet is keeping us small and unfulfilled.
Is there something simple that your mind has been forsaking yet your heart knows it is the way?
Emotional supply and demand
Where are you showing up with as a demand for drama?
Is it worth considering that if you stopped demanding it in conscious and less-conscious ways, it might stop being supplied?
Do what you don’t want to have what you want
Not having what you want is so good for you, because that is where the growth lives.
If you don’t have what you want, it is likely time to do something you haven’t wanted to do to have what you want. Otherwise, you would already have what you want.
What is it time to do that your mind doesn’t want to do so you can have what your heart wants? The faster you get at doing what you don’t want to do, the quicker you will get what you want.
Can you let limitations bring ease?
Are you struggling to decide yet, life is clearly showing you the best option?
Maybe the “constraints” you have been resisting are simply life making decisions for you, letting you know what to say no to so you can move on to the next thing. Maybe life is so beautiful that it always tries to make your decisions as easy as possible.
Where might it be time to embrace your circumstances to help you have ease?
How to trust people
All people are nuanced, complex, surprising, emotional, and unpredictable.
You don’t need to be able to trust everyone to be who you want them to be. You only need to trust them to be themselves because they never can and shouldn’t have to live up to your standards.
What if you just trusted people to be who they are and aren’t and dropped the expectations? What if you focused that energy on being who you wanted others to be instead?
Clarity comes after the decision
You could focus on infinite things, and you won’t feel clear on your next move until you decide your priority.
You may think that you will one day be clear on what is guaranteed to produce the desired results, yet nothing guarantees your mind’s preferred outcome. There are simply high-quality decisions you can make to help you focus your energy on something life-giving. Once you decide what to focus on, the clarity will come.
What if you didn’t wait for the clarity to make your decision? What if you made your decision and knew the clarity was on the other side?
People are uncomfortable with freedom
To be free means to be responsible; often, when we envision freedom, we expect a life without responsibility.
It feels easier to live by someone else’s rules because then we get to blame them for our unhappiness. It feels easier to judge someone else’s life because then we get to be right about how wrong they are and don’t need to be curious about our own integrity. It feels easier to cater to the requests and needs of others because then we get to be a victim to time, and in victimhood we get power from our powerlessness.
Our minds trick us into believing that if only we could become free, we wouldn’t need to be responsible for these things. The truth is that all of the habits listed above are reactions, not responsibilities. Only when we are willing to release our reactions can we become genuinely responsible, which is what it means to be free.
What if you didn’t need commitments or constraints to go away to be free? Would you be willing to embrace the discomfort of your freedom now and take responsibility for your life?
You will be happy when you have no more problems
This is a faulty, stressful belief. There is no adult in the world with no problems.
Stop wasting your time wishing for no problems or resisting them. Instead, become curious about the quality of your problems. Are they associated with solutions you want to be creating?
What if you stopped focusing on avoiding downsides and started choosing the ones you value dealing with?
Choose yourself, not sides.
“Choosing” a side often feels safer than choosing to trust yourself.
Maybe it feels easier to pick a side so you and others can know where you “fit in.” Instead of choosing one person over another, perceiving one as right and one as wrong, or believing that one group has to lose or take the blame for there to be a winner or a good guy, could you practice being vulnerable enough to stand for something bigger than division?
Maybe by not choosing a side, you get to choose yourself.
Be Self-ish
People will tell you not to focus on yourself. However, if you don’t focus on yourself, you can’t be responsible for your Self, which is the one thing you were put here to do- be responsible for You.
Being responsible for your Self does not mean you act selfishly- that is not what your Self is designed to do. You are designed to help, give, serve, teach, and love. You can only do these things when you are present in your body and can notice the energy you are allowing in from others and putting out to others. Your job as You is to be entirely focused on who you are being, allowing everyone else to be responsible for themselves because they are the only ones who can be.
What would be possible if you focused on you?
Let the old help you find the new
Embrace your old habit to create the new one.
When you feel pulled toward the old pattern, that’s your chance to leap into the new way of being. Each moment of tention is an opportunity to choose again, further integrating your learning until it becomes your new easeiest, default setting, eventually replacing the old.
Love the friction—it’s an opportunity to grow and not just survive to make it to the next moment. This tension increases the odds of lasting change, which is where our fulfillment lives.
Where is it time to celebrate the old to make way for the new?
The simplest way to embody love
The most simple and profound tool you have is your breath.
Your breath connects you to the wisdom of your body, which knows how to love because it is designed to love. Imagine yourself calm, mindful, present, emotionally regulated, physically connected, emotionally aware, and inclined towards gratitude. This is the state that your breath can connect you to, opening your connection to your true intelligence.
Instead of trying to think your way through it or fight your way through it, whatever it is, what if you focused on breathing your way through it and trusting love to lead the way?
Loving confrontation
If you want to transform something in your life, you must face it head-on. If you want to transform yourself, you must face something new and face it head-on.
Transformation doesn’t happen when we work on the exterior or periphery. It happens when we are willing to feel the intensity of going straight in.
Hope can be the first step of a transformation, yet it won’t do the job. Faith is what comes next, and faith is not a wish. Faith is action followed by action followed by action until the transformation is complete. Finally, it is only faith if it comes from a place of love.
What are you willing to lovingly confront today in the name of transformation?
There is no better path than your path
The only path you can be on is yours. The people you meet, the experiences you have, the truths that resonate with you, and the things you feel drawn toward work together and compound to create a beautiful, expansive, wonderful pathway that takes an entire lifetime to discover your way down. And it is only this path, uniquely curated for you, that holds the keys to your contribution and your blessings.
Any amount of time you spend wishing you were on someone else’s path is time you could spend learning, trusting, receiving, giving, understanding, and enjoying. To live the most beautiful life possible, you must give up your right to wonder if someone else’s path is better. There is no better path for you than yours.
What if you fully surrendered to your life’s particular, distinct, perfectly imperfect path?
Dream on purpose (vision versus anti-vision)
You are always envisioning something, and that something is either helping you or hindering you. And the good news is, if it is helping you, it is helping the rest of us. Conversely, if it hinders you, it is hindering all of us.
As creative beings—which we all are because we are constantly creating—our job is to learn to pause frequently enough and stay present in our bodies enough to notice when we envision something counterproductive. Our bodies will always tell us when they want to change course to something more supportive.
You have the power to weave together as many moments of purposeful picturing as possible, opening up the pathway for your purpose. However, part of dreaming is being unattached. Dreams are meant to lead you and not limit you. We all have different powerful futures to imagine, and our job is to meet on our way and co-create something that none of us could see on our own.
What if you chose what you envision rather than going with the default?
A way you can guarantee you won’t make your impact
A way you can guarantee you won’t make your impact is to try and live your life somebody else’s way.
People who have gone before you can provide fabulous insight and powerful best practices, helping you learn more easily. However, this is only half the equation. The other half of your work comes from sensing and discovering your unique way of approaching work, life, love, family, vitality, wealth, and contribution. You are the only you who has ever existed and will ever exist, and no one else will ever be able to live your life with the inner knowing that you have.
We live in a beautifully created ecosystem where we are all so similar and so different. We thrive when we embrace both. Value the perspectives of others and your own.
What if you trusted what feels true for you?
You don’t need less fear. You need more courage.
Fear will always arise when it’s time to enter a new level of your power (also known as love, joy, impact, etc.). However, you don’t need less fear in your life to make your moves. Instead, you need to allow more courage into your body to move you through the fear.
You have infinite courage available to you if you are willing to feel fear.
What if the sensations of fear that you feel are actually courage waiting to be harnessed?
There is always something to doubt if you look
There will always be reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t take your next action to create your vision. Only spend time entertaining these reasons if you don’t want to succeed.
If you want to succeed, the second you notice doubt, your job is to smile and know you are up to something. Doubt won’t waste its time with you if you don’t have something to contribute.
What if you allowed doubt to be there and stopped entertaining it?