Dream on purpose (vision versus anti-vision)

You are always envisioning something, and that something is either helping you or hindering you. And the good news is, if it is helping you, it is helping the rest of us. Conversely, if it hinders you, it is hindering all of us.

As creative beings—which we all are because we are constantly creating—our job is to learn to pause frequently enough and stay present in our bodies enough to notice when we envision something counterproductive. Our bodies will always tell us when they want to change course to something more supportive. 

You have the power to weave together as many moments of purposeful picturing as possible, opening up the pathway for your purpose. However, part of dreaming is being unattached. Dreams are meant to lead you and not limit you. We all have different powerful futures to imagine, and our job is to meet on our way and co-create something that none of us could see on our own. 

What if you chose what you envision rather than going with the default?


There is no better path than your path


A way you  can guarantee you won’t make your impact