Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You are not confused, you just need to choose

When it comes to what to focus on, there is no “right” thing. Your power comes from choosing to focus, not from choosing the one right thing from the infinite choices available to you.

There are high-quality things to focus on and low-quality things to focus on. As you grow and trust yourself, the next “right” thing for you will always reveal itself. The only way to get life wrong is to let your focus be stolen from you and not authentically choose. Evolution is different than distraction. Your body knows the difference. 

The next time you notice your mind saying you are confused or you hear the voice of doubt trying to scatter you, know these types of thoughts will never go away. They are just a signal to own your power and refocus. 

What if you weren’t confused? What if you were discovering? What if you already knew? 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Release the pressure to fix

There is no big learning or event or thing to change about yourself that will fix everything because there is nothing to fix. There is just the perfect thing to do at this moment. Each moment is a moment that can not only change your life, but is changing your life. Have the discipline to be present to the miracle of this moment, and your whole life will become a miracle. 

This doesn’t mean we should stop learning, growing, or leaping; it simply means we do so as another essential part of the process that has our life flow, not with the pressure of needing to fix something permanently.

Your life is a series of experiences to build on one another. What if you could trust this one moment as a vital part of that and every moment hereafter? 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Access your courage to create time for what is important

Often, our courage arises to help us hold space for unimportant things to fall apart a bit so that we can give our attention to what is most valuable to us. 

Our minds will always plead with us to focus on the trivial and tell us we don’t have time for what is true for us. Our minds often regard time as something we need to get more of or a force working against us. However, time isn’t something we have or don’t have. Time is something we create by taking our attention off of things that don’t matter and redirecting it to what does. 

Courage is also not something you need to get. It is something you have within you that you need to call on to support you when you want it. It often shows up as a fluttery stomach or an elevated heart rate. This is how courage does its job.

Creating time for what is essential may take courage, yet you have plenty of it. You just need to access it. 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Fixing the awkward stops the growth

Awkward is different than harmful. We should work to stop and eliminate behaviors and circumstances that harm ourselves and others.

When things are awkward, however, our work is to love ourselves and others enough to let it be awkward and to know we are growing through it, and that awkwardness is an essential season to any growth, just like spring is for our garden. If we eliminate the awkwardness as soon as it comes up, we end up cutting things off before they have the possibility to grow and thrive. 

Where do you need to let someone be awkward as an act of love instead of fixing it? 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When am I ready?

In my many years of coaching people in their visions and goals, I have been asked countless times when someone can know that they are “ready.”

You know you are truly ready for something when you realize you don’t have to do it, and therefore, you aren’t doing it because you “should.”  You are ready for something when you are doing it because it is an authentic choice based on what is important to you.

You can, of course, accomplish tasks and check boxes from a place of “have-to” or “should”; you just won’t be ready to receive the fulfillment that is available if you were doing it from a place of choice and self-worth.

What if there was no “should”, and only “could”?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Authentic commitment creates freedom, not deprivation

When we say yes to something that uplifts us and others, we must understand that by committing, we are preparing to say no to many other shiny objects that may pull for our attention.  Whether we are committing to a relationship, a project, a role, or a way of being in the world, our commitment serves to help us focus our energy and deepen our positive impact on those we touch. When we do this, we deepen our impact on others and open ourselves up to be impacted by the important people in our lives. This reciprocal impact on one another is one of the most essential parts of being alive, if not the most. 

While you may need to say no to many things to fulfill your commitment to what is most important, if you truly are giving your energy to what is essential, you can guarantee that you will feel the freedom that comes from genuinely expressing yourself, receiving love, and contributing to the world. There is no greater freedom than not needing to give your energy to what is trivial and meaningless.

What is it time to commit to, so you can have your freedom?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

If it doesn’t serve anyone, it isn’t serving you

My greed, selfishness, over-indulgence, laziness, meanness, resentment, sense of obligation, frustration, exhaustion, self-neglect, fear of looking bad, and self-importance don’t serve you. That is how I know they don’t serve me. 

The way it works is if it doesn’t serve someone else, it doesn’t serve us. If we want to serve ourselves, our job is to serve others.

What if your path to a happier life was the path to helping others have a happier life?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The key to being loved is knowing that you are already loved

You are loved and valued by what created you, and what you are inextricably connected to- whatever you want to call that “thing”.

Your job is to remind every other person and thing that they are loved and valued by that same thing. When you aren’t hustling for love, you can give it freely. When you give love freely because you know love is what you are made from, made of, and connected to, you receive it and no longer need to waste your precious energy searching for it. 

What if the love you seek exists right here, right now, in the eyes reading this? 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Right on the other side of fear is freedom 

You know what is available to you. You know what you need to let go of to receive it. Your holding on has been holding you in place. 

You know what is available to you. You know what you need to embrace to create it. Your unwillingness has been keeping you stuck.

The fear of letting go of what has felt safe and embracing something new may feel real in your body, yet maybe the sensations of fear are actually sensations of courage. You don’t need to do everything you feel scared of, yet when you know in your heart it is time for something to come to pass, you can trust that freedom is right on the other side of making your new choices. 

Are you willing to have the courage to trust what you know? 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Trusting the process

Learning to trust the process is the point of making decisions, and it’s wonderful to trust in the process because the process is all there is.

Decisions open up us up to the creative mystery of the universe; they don’t give us control over outcomes. Nothing gives us control over outcomes.

Your happiness lies in your ability to let the process be what it is and simply play your part in it, which is to make your best decisions from a place of love and wisdom based on what is essential.

What would it feel like to fall in love with the magic of the never-ending process?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

An in-tension to change

An invitation from the universe to fulfill your intention will happen with tension.

If you feel stressed, challenged, confronted, or overwhelmed, it may not be a problem. It may be your invitation to change.

What if you didn’t need to fix the problem? What if you were being supported in transforming for the better?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

What’s the point?

What is the intention behind what you are doing?

If you intend to suffer and inflict harm, you can do whatever you want. Our mind sees this as the safer route.

Suppose you intend to experience expanding happiness and uplift the world around you to the best of your ability. In that case, your job is to be relentlessly curious about what your choices create long-term. You might be surprised to see that what your mind sees as risky, challenging, and scary are the things that fulfill your intention.

What if your happiness and our happiness depended on your willingness to do the thing that required more friction? Would you do it?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Letting go is more fun

Letting go of our attachment to outcomes is what makes life more fun. And having fun is potentially the point of being alive.

Letting go doesn’t mean we don’t care. It means we stop distrusting our future Selves to be able to thrive regardless of circumstances. It means we instead choose to trust our current and future Selves to have the wisdom, resilience, courage, creativity, humility, and humor to adapt, grow, and shine in response to the both blessings and the disappointments life brings. We can trust our Selves because this is how we are designed.

Letting go of attachments doesn’t mean we don’t take care of what is essential. It means we can make the best choice by honoring all the important things instead of reacting to them out of fear.

What if you just needed to let go of your attachment to the outcome to have more fun? And what if that fun was the point of the whole thing?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The only thing there is to do no matter what

Is evolve.

If you live life the way you are meant to, you will change your mind, see new possibilities, experience new truths, and disagree with your past self. All inside of a container of compassion for yourself and others.

You aren’t meant to be right or certain about everything. You are meant to allow yourself and others to grow.

This is at least what I believe right now… unless I change my mind.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The beauty of fear

The beautiful thing about fear is it points you toward faith and freedom.

If you feel fear and you don’t take action because of the fear, you stay stuck in the fear. If you notice the fear, and make a choice from clarity and commitment anyway, you free yourself from it.

Fear is nothing to fear. It is a gift that can help us be free.

Where is it time for you to use your fear for your freedom?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Healthy pride

You are designed to feel healthy pride when you prioritize taking the action or non-action that you sense serves yourself and others at the highest level right now.

If you want to live a life where you feel connected to deep respect for yourself and others, this is the simple question

to continue asking yourself. Your body and your soul know how to find a perfect balance right now between taking care of you and taking care of others. If you listen, you will be lead.

What if you let a sense of deep pride and respect lead you?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Which stress do you choose?

Knowing you are meant to do, have, or be something and then just simply hoping that it happens is stressful becuase you give your personal power away.

Knowing you are meant to do, have, or be something and taking small actions toward it each moment is stressful becuase you experience the intensity of your personal power.

Both choices are stressful, yet the former is the unfulfilling stress of stagnation and the latter is the life-giving stress of metamorphosis.

Both have an upside and a downside. Which upside and downside do you choose?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You only have to be courageous right now

The rest can come later. Just take one small act of courage now. It will flow into the next when the timing is right.

What if you could take out the fear of future courage, and just do the one thing in front of you right now?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You can only transform in the fire

You can only transform through going into and through the fire. If you’ve been waiting to transform before you take the leap, that’s not the way it works. You leap first; then the transformational process begins.

If you want to stay the same, there’s no need to step into the heat. If you want your next level of aliveness, fulfillment, and vitality, it’s one trial by fire away.

What if you trusted the heat of friction instead of resisting it?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

See opportunities so you can seize them

The only way to seize an opportunity is to see it’s there. This is why we set goals and intentions.

The power of having an intention is that you get to know what the thing you are hoping for looks and feels like so you can receive it when it is presented to you. If you don’t know, it will continue to escape your grasp.

Get clear on what you want to experience, have, discover, and give. Spend time each day envisioning and feeling these things in as much detail as possible. Then, keep your eyes open and live with curiosity.

What if the things you want are right here waiting for you and you just need to develop the clarity to see them?

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