Create a new attention loop
Whatever you give attention to gives you attention back, creating a pattern that can feel hard to break.
Give yourself grace as you practice focusing on what you want to receive. You have the power to create a new pathway for yourself and therfore others if you are willing to feel the intensity of letting go.
How to activate your gifts
Whatever your gift is, use self-love to activate it.
If you have a desire to contribute at your highest and let what is great in you out into the world, you need to love yourself one hundred percent.
The way we know if our gifts are activated is if we feel joy coming back to us as a result of giving them. This loop can only be complete when we love ourselves.
Your gifts are not anything you need to earn. They just need the right environment to thrive.
How do you love yourself? Just like anything, you choose to practice until it becomes easy.
The first and last step are the same
Both the first and last step are gratitude.
We can only be open to receive our blessings if we are grateful for them. Gratitude opens us up to receive, and also seals in the gift.
Whether it’s a day of your life, and unexpected transition, on time, try book-ending it with gratitude and see what shifts.
The simplest way to do the right thing
Is to not need to want to do the right thing.
It is totally possible and absolutely essential to be able to do your personal best even when your mind doesn’t want to. Integrity lives in action, and you have the power to choose correct action, no matter what you’re thinking mind has to say about the matter.
The way to become your future self that you are proud of, which is the ultimate reward, is to let your personal integrity lead you.
The best way to prepare for change
The best way to prepare for change is to remember that it is change, which means it will be different, which means it will be new.
If you find yourself carrying fears from your past into your future, remember that the best thing you can do is let go of any pain and allow peace to enter the space that fear was taking up. This is the only way you will see things clearly and be able to create as your wisest self.
What’s coming is not what was, especially if you come with fresh eyes.
What learning really looks like
As you grow, people will try to blame you for things that you did imperfectly that you couldn’t have done perfectly because you hadn’t learned through experience yet.
Don’t let their lack of compassion keep you feom being compassionate with yourself. Have compassion for them as well, as they are still learning. The blamer is the one left with the feeling of blame. The compassionate one is left with compassion.
The only way to grow is to keep expanding your ability to remain connected to your best self, which you can only do through experience.
What productivity actually is
Productivity isn’t getting through your to-do list. It’s how much value you provide.
Not only can you get through everything on your to-do list (and then some) and not provide very much value, but you can actually detract value from people and things by rushing and adding more clutter.
Instead of asking, what can I get done, ask what can I do that would provide the most value?
It might sound boring, and it’s magic
Success is a result of patience, dedication, commitment, and endurance.
To endure means we don’t give up. It also means we don’t need to force or push ourselves beyond what we are capable of today as we look toward what we will be capable of tomorrow. Endurance comprises the rigor of focus and the ease of inner peace. It comes from remembering we have something magnificent to accomplish while also recalling we are already whole and perfect.
Stop giving up. Stop rushing. Choose endurance and success is inevitable because it is also part of the journey.
The surprising pitfall to an excellent life
One of the trapdoors to mediocrity is criticizing other people.
If we want to bring our energy down, we should criticize others. If we want to elevate our vitality and keep our momentum and clarity, we should take all of the energy we expend on seeing how other people could be better and refocus it on making ourselves better.
Avoid the trapdoor of thinking the answer is in fixing someone else. Elevate your life by taking responsibility for your growth only.
Here’s which type of feelings to trust
Let the way you want to feel long-term lead you, not your short-term urges.
Intuition is different than temptation. Trusting your gut is different than being pulled around by your whims and lower desires.
Don’t live your life based on your fleeitng reactions, choose from your big-picture commitments.
How to get it done faster
Instead of sitting there, thinking about the thing that you want to do at some point in the future, do something small now. Then, if you still have more time, do another small thing. Then another small thing. Then another small thing. Do as many small things as you can, and eventually the small things become bigger things .
If you want to get it done faster, do it now. This may seem obvious, yet sometimes the most obvious things take the most discipline.
What could you do right now that would help you achieve your goals faster?
How to jump right jnto correct discomfort
We’ve learned to tolerate the wrong kind of discomfort, and to run away from the correct kind.
We’ve learned to tolerate the type of discomfort that comes from knowing we aren’t fulfilling on our purpose or being our best. Some of us live our whole lives so far from ease, yet choosing to stay in it, because it’s familiar.
The good news about seeing this is we are already great at tolerating discomfort, just not the right kind. All we need to do is transfer that skill over to useful discomfort.
Useful discomfort is made up of the sensations and thoughts that come with moving through things that feel intense or new, in the name of growing into our potential. We often avoid these because they are unfamiliar, yet they eventually become familiar; eventually even a sign that reward is on the way. In the context of incorrect discomfort, familiarity is the reward, which stagnates us and others. In the context of correct discomfort, thriving is the reward, which is what we are meant to experience.
Since you are already great at tolerating discomfort, why not make the shift to the useful kind?
It can’t be better if you won’t let it be new
In order for something to be better, you have to first allow it to be new.
If you find yourself frustrated because you are trying to fit the present moment into a past picture of success, it is likely time to try out a new way.
The past may have been good, yet there are so many new ways of doing things that you haven’t discovered yet.
What if you gave yourself permission to think outisde of your old box?
Take an imagination upgrade
One of your superpowers is to imagine that something is possible, which is what makes it possible.
Imagination is the practice of tuning into the frequency of possibility, which is always there, just like the frequency of a radio station. The frequency is real, although we cannot see it with our human eyes.
One potential context for the possibilities we imagine that can help us take more assertive action is that they are real; we only need to be creative about how we access them. What if it wasn’t only that it could happen? What if it is already happening at some level?
What could happen today if you focused on creating what is possible, not what is probable, by trusting it exists?
Why are you hustling for something that isn’t valuable?
Stop spending time trying to impress people you are not inspired by.
You never need to hustle to prove anything to anyone, and you especially should not waste your time attempting to gain the approval of those who want to bring people down rather than lift them up.
Many people are unpleasable. Serve and collaborate with the ones who bring out more of who you want to be.
The reason you haven’t made space for it
The reason you haven’t made space for it, even though you would like it to be important, is because you are resisting it.
This is why surrender is the ultimate form of power. In order to make space for it, stop resisting it, and surrender to it fully.
If there is something trying to hold you back, try this
If you feel forces attempting to hold you back, do not go to war with them. Your freedom likely lives in your gentleness and forgiveness.
Fighting an unending, un-winnable battle with something or someone that will not change or go away is a distraction to your purpose and helps the opposing force win.
When you forgive it, you get to go free. Devote your energy to what’s yours to accomplish and let the heavy fall away.
Look for support ahead, not behind
As you work to create something new, it is likely that many, if not most, people you know right now have not done what you are doing, don’t share your commitment, or feel confronted by the change you are making. These will likely not be the best people to go to for support, inspiration, wisdom, or accountability. In their disconnection, they may even try to stop you.
Your most reliable source of support is your inner vision and connection to what you know to be true. From there, your work is to find the people who have already been moving down their path of creativity and courage for a while and seek support from them. This is the practice of seeking support from ahead rather than behind.
It’s not your job to get everyone to get it and support yo; that will waste your energy and keep you in proving mode instead of contribution mode. It’s your job to find the few who get it and go.
You’re blocking your guidance if you aren’t…
We are constantly being guided and shown the next step if we are willing to learn.
Suppose we haven’t actually integrated what we know a circumstance, lesson, or relationship had to teach us. In that case, we won’t be available to receive the next level of what’s waiting for us.
Ignorance, stubbornness, and laziness block us from the guidance we can access. What is it time to finally implement today?