How to jump right jnto correct discomfort
We’ve learned to tolerate the wrong kind of discomfort, and to run away from the correct kind.
We’ve learned to tolerate the type of discomfort that comes from knowing we aren’t fulfilling on our purpose or being our best. Some of us live our whole lives so far from ease, yet choosing to stay in it, because it’s familiar.
The good news about seeing this is we are already great at tolerating discomfort, just not the right kind. All we need to do is transfer that skill over to useful discomfort.
Useful discomfort is made up of the sensations and thoughts that come with moving through things that feel intense or new, in the name of growing into our potential. We often avoid these because they are unfamiliar, yet they eventually become familiar; eventually even a sign that reward is on the way. In the context of incorrect discomfort, familiarity is the reward, which stagnates us and others. In the context of correct discomfort, thriving is the reward, which is what we are meant to experience.
Since you are already great at tolerating discomfort, why not make the shift to the useful kind?