Look for support ahead, not behind
As you work to create something new, it is likely that many, if not most, people you know right now have not done what you are doing, don’t share your commitment, or feel confronted by the change you are making. These will likely not be the best people to go to for support, inspiration, wisdom, or accountability. In their disconnection, they may even try to stop you.
Your most reliable source of support is your inner vision and connection to what you know to be true. From there, your work is to find the people who have already been moving down their path of creativity and courage for a while and seek support from them. This is the practice of seeking support from ahead rather than behind.
It’s not your job to get everyone to get it and support yo; that will waste your energy and keep you in proving mode instead of contribution mode. It’s your job to find the few who get it and go.