Why we stop using our gifts
Comparison cuts off our connection to our gifts and passions.
The more we are willing to celebrate the gifts, talents, passions, and skills the people around us possess, the easier it is for us to see, honor, and express our own. When we can own our gifts and find joy in the blessings others have been given, we can stop wasting our energy on things that aren’t ours to do and allow ourselves to invest our lives into our most excellent areas of contribution and fulfillment.
We have the power to fully receive the offerings of others and give equally with gratitude. It’s time to stop comparing and start living.
Victory comes through knowing you cannot fail
Even when your actions fail to achieve the outcome you hoped for, you are not failing. “Failing” is an unavoidable, essential part of life and growth. It is how we learn to become resilient, light, and clear. Often, our failures are the things that lead us to our most treasured relationships, passions, and discoveries.
The most crucial point, however, is that you cannot fail because you are a success at your essence, at the core of who you are. You are a whole and perfect miracle, regardless of how things turn out.
You have nothing to prove or hide from, so you might as well give it your all and have fun while doing it. Embrace that failures will happen and celebrate that you have already won. You’ll make a way bigger difference this way.
Weakness disguised as strength
Resisting the circumstances of your life and the world is a great place to hide. It takes up your energy and you don’t need to be responsible for your part in the solution.
To truly contribute, you must discover how to surrender to things exactly as they are. Your strength lies in your willingness to feel, be present, and hold space for the things you want to resist. Once you become curious and engaged, life starts to flow again.
Resistance is one way you can use your power, yet surrender will likely be a lot more useful in the long run.
Seeing possibility
Your body knows how to generate resilience and inspiration if you choose to look for things that excite you or move you about your day and life.
When your body is running on these positive sensations, you see more opportunities and life feels fulfilling. Too often, we settle for the feelings of resistance or worry that inevitably creep their way in.
You don’t have to settle. Seek out what moves you.
You have to say
Otherwise, the people, places, things, circumstances, and outcomes around you will say for you.
Especially when you notice yourself succumbing to the intensity of the pressures or disappointments around you, remember that you get to say what you focus on and how you live your life. And the “living” of your life happens in how you respond (or react).
If you want to have your clarity, you have to choose it.
The people that are for you
Surround yourself with people who leave you feeling better, not worse.
Instead of proving yourself to people who make you feel anything less than your best, spend that energy co-creating with the ones who are excited to help you thrive.
As our nature is to want to belong, sometimes we attempt to fit in where it doesn’t serve us. Luckily, we now have a lot of say over who we spend our time with.
When it’s up to you, choose what you deserve.
Let people learn
They can only learn if you are willing to let them be uncomfortable.
Helping people when they ask for support is different than trying to fix it for them without their permission or even with it. If it’s a matter of the heart, people can only learn through their own direct experience and when they are ready. You can best help them by loving them through the discomfort.
To really trust your gut
Your intuition knows the correct actions to take; it doesn’t know how to control outcomes.
So, when you make a choice based on what your gut tells you, promise to trust the choice no matter the outcome. Even if you would classify the result as a “failure,” maybe your intuition knew the lesson you needed to learn, or perhaps it doesn't turn out to be a setback in the long term.
You are designed to take one step at a time, not understand the whole journey ahead of time. The nature of trust is that it is needed in the unknown.
It’s hard until you talk about it
One of the reasons it may feel impossible or too much to manage is because you’re keeping it in your head.
Especially if the act of putting it out there feels stress-inducing, it’s worth considering that it’s the holding back that’s hard, not the idea or the conversation.
You are capable of making hard things easy through taking the action.
The antidote is seeing
Most jealousy, frustration, doubt, and anger seem to stem from feeling unseen, unheard, unloved, or unappreciated.
If we want to be a blessing to the people we encounter in our lifetime, our assignment is to see them and see them through the lenses of love. Not only do we become a blessing when we do this, we feel blessed.
The practice of seeing also asks us to seek out those most hidden. Our presence and love won’t undo all heartbreak, yet it is where we must start.
What are you sacrificing?
Life is full of sacrifices as it is full of choices.
We are meant to sacrifice our lower desires in exchange for true peace and freedom. We are not meant to offer our peace and freedom for short-term laziness.
You don’t have to sacrifice the excellent stuff. Sacrifice is meant to be an upgrade.
Apply love
More anger, hate, and frustration will not help heal a wound. But, if you intend to make someone feel worse, then sure, pour it on.
If you intend to be a part of creating the conditions for healing, apply love instead. It’s the only thing that can help.
The opposite of a solution
All opportunities that will change your life for the better will require you to create solutions for problems. Solutions are how you create your life, contribute to yourself and others, and grow spiritually.
So maybe, the opposite of a solution is not a problem. Maybe the better word to substitute for problem is opportunity.
The most important part of your personal development journey
Is getting to know your body sensations.
What does it feel like when you know you should say no to something, yet you feel like you have to say yes?
What does it feel like when you know you should say yes to something, yet you feel like you have to say no?
What does it feel like when you speak negatively about yourself and others?
What does it feel like when your internal narrative is centered around grace for yourself and others?
What if you could use your body as a compass, helping you navigate the unknown? If you trusted this technology within you, what might be possible?
It’s complicated
We have been trained and programmed to lead with our heads and make things more complicated. Unfortunately, this tactic helps us protect and hide our most valuable resource- our hearts.
A life well-lived, however, is led by an open heart. Of course, an open heart feels risky, yet if we can stay connected to the source of the wisdom within it, we get true protection instead of disconnection from what truly makes us happy.
The antidote and the discipline here is the simplicity of love. When your mind wants to make life complicated, choose an open heart.
I can’t is only the beginning
“I can’t” is often an ending because we let it be.
If we really want the the thing we say we can’t have, then “I can’t” is the place to look for a new choice to make, and a new paradigm to create.
“I can’t” can be a portal to your power if you’re willing to stick around and take a deeper look.
Being observant
Being observant could be one of the most important skills to cultivate. However, it is not the only skill to hone, as being observant without skillful action is selfish.
However, acting without discernment is also selfish yet self-sabotaging. The sweet spot of self-care and contribution is where we can be attentive enough to notice the forces at play yet be generous enough to want to make things better without employing shame and blame.
The importance of doubt
When your lower personality’s voice tries to talk you out of it, it is so essential that you do it.
The voice of doubt exists to stop you from doing what is good for you. Luckily, it’s just a voice, and you get to choose. So let the voice be a signal that you are up to something important, and keep moving towards the good.
How distraction does its job
Focus brings confidence. Distraction brings doubt.
Distractions are doing their job when you feel confused or unsure. If you are seeking more clarity and power, eliminate distractions. Start small, yet be relentless. You know what they are.