The truth that will set you free
To speak with love, you must act with love.
To act with love, you must believe in love.
To believe in love, you must know love.
To know something, you have to experience it directly. And love is not something you need to wait around to feel; you can choose it and tap into it now and bring it to whatever is right here. Then, when you give it, you experience it.
Love is the only truth, and when you know the truth, the truth will set you free.
The flaw or the gift
Awareness of something is different than dwelling on it, and most of us tend to dwell on people’s flaws rather than focus on their gifts. This is what causes the divide between us. One of our flaws as human beings is that we focus on flaws rather than simply being aware of them.
Strong community and collaboration become available when we embrace that we all have human imperfections and be aware of them, yet give our attention to one another’s unique gifts and strengths and how they might all work together. When we appreciate the good someone else brings to the table, especially when it is different than ours or different from what we want it to be, we not only deepen our connection to that person, we deepen our connection to our purpose.
Whatever we give our energy to grows. Notice what obstacles there are to navigate, and focus on the good.
The joy of discipline
Happiness does not come from being driven by your reactionary whims and temporary desires. It comes from choosing what brings you peace and fulfillment in the long term.
To have discipline means to be a disciple of yourself. So, notice your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. Then, courageously feel for what is aligned with your most authentic self and listen. This self-trust is power.
Why many goals don’t work
Goals don’t work as one-off, compartmentalized improvements. If you try to change only one thing in your life, and leave everything else the same, the change will fail.
Goals only work inside of a bigger commitment to a life-long lifestyle upgrade that you continually evolve and expand. As you embrace and celebrate your innate desire to grow, right alongside your innate wholeness, you can enjoy the non-linear, interconnected flow of working towards the next right goal for you, knowing that many other things will need to change as a result.
Remember, you are a whole, connected human being. Your goals can’t live in isolation.
The gift of the burden
Surrender could be considered the ultimate form of power. It is the opposite of resignation. It is an acknowledgement of what is most important.
The gift of the most challenging thing in your life right now could be the access to grace, wisdom, relief, and presence. They like to wait on the other side of struggle. What if you stopped fighting and avoiding it and softened right into it?
The best thing could come as a result of the hardest thing.
The “next level”
Breaking through to the next level often does not feel like you are breaking through anything. Instead, it can feel more like hitting a wall at first.
Remember, whenever you feel like you are hitting a wall, it is an opportunity to make a new choice and have a breakthrough in what matters to you. The heaviness of the experience is a sign that your old beliefs and patterns are being challenged, and they won’t take you any further. The only thing that will take you to the next level is a paradigm shift.
There is always a next level of truth ready to open its doors to you, only if you are willing to leave the familiar behind and step into an unknown space.
Possibility is a verb
The next thing for you is always possible; it just won’t feel probable because it’s new.
To bring what could exist into reality, you’ve got to take skillful, disciplined actions. New actions require imagination, creativity, courage, and, most importantly, commitment.
A good idea without commitment isn’t a possibility because it will never happen. Possibility requires action.
Together makes it easier
It might be hard, and being together makes it easier.
Being together instead of divided is our task at hand. What if, instead of focusing on being right, we focused on our relationships being whole?
It sometimes feels like being right is what is going to make things easier. In reality, having love between us is what makes it flow.
It’s simpler than you think
Before searching for the next thing to learn or buy to make you finally feel at peace, check and see if you are really doing what you already know to do.
Unless you take the time to be responsible for what you deeply know to do, again and again, there will always be a need to hustle until you find the fix-it, which you will never see. The most crucial part of feeling at ease in your skin and life is living out what you know to be true daily. From this place, learning, growth, accomplishments, and acquisitions will come naturally and in just the right amount.
You are already enough.
The right time to hold back
When we complain or gossip about someone, we invite victimhood into our bodies and harm ourselves more than anyone else.
When we are disciplined enough to reserve our speaking for what we want to create and what we appreciate, we receive our blessings.
Remember, can talk about what we are changing from a place of unconditional love.
Their doubt is not your problem
If someone doubts you, that is their problem, not yours.
The doubt is a problem because it blocks possibility for them, not because it means you are anything less than powerful.
Push through
You do not need to push through pain and hustle until you hurt yourself or someone else.
You are, however, designed to push through just as a stem does through the dirt when it’s time. Let the discomfort of pushing through let you know you are almost to the light and to keep going and giving.
Don’t let the discomfort of the next level stop you. Get great at the last push.
Tolerate the right things
Being able to tolerate failure, judgment from others, adversity, and all sorts of challenges you will face on your path is vital. When we can hold space for all the emotions that come with dealing with these things, we can become resilient enough to keep growing no matter what.
However, when we become great at tolerating challenges and discomfort, there are things that we can over-tolerate. You can simultaneously accept circumstances and resolve to use your resources and power to improve them. For example, you do not need to continue to tolerate an unsustainable financial situation, a toxic relationship, health problems, burnout, or being treated poorly.
You are powerful enough to experience all the feelings that come with putting yourself out there in a big way. And you are also powerful enough to draw the line.
Grace is the gift
You have already been given the ultimate gift, which is grace.
Grace is a fresh start that you do not need to earn. It is always available; you need the discipline to choose it, especially when victimhood or guilt wants you to grip the heaviness of the past.
You must focus on choosing grace because the outside world doesn’t usually give it to you. Our culture is not yet leading with forgiveness and choice, so it’s unlikely you will feel in a state of grace through watching the news or checking your social media.
Once you feel the benefits of receiving the grace that has already been gifted to you as part of your birthright, make it a priority to give grace to others. This is how we can take care of one another.
The most important way to make people uncomfortable
Is to express your gratitude specifically.
We tend to keep our thanks and praise to ourselves or keep them vague, thinking the other person knows how we feel and why. Though, we hold back because intimate, authentic conversations feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
On the last day of the year, risk making yourself and others uncomfortable by letting them know how and why you appreciate them. Bonus points if it is in person or on the phone instead of over text.
Endings over beginnings
The beauty of a new cycle about to begin is that we have the opportunity to complete the one we are in.
Completion is a state of being we can choose at any moment, regardless of the status of our projects, relationships, or emotional state. It is the most critical state to settle into as it is the only foundation for building new beginnings.
Instead of waiting for something to happen to be complete, choose to be complete first. This is especially important if you are experiencing failure, non-closure, or regret. You deserve to feel complete as you experience all parts of being human, and your new beginning will arrive as soon as you allow yourself to do so.
Don’t wait for things to feel perfect so you can begin. Instead, choose perfection amidst the imperfection, and you will see your next step.
Turn towards yes
There is wisdom and discernment in us that knows when to keep moving in and when to back up or turn away. These gifts transcend liking and disliking and can support us in feeling the resonance of truth. Sometimes the truth feels pleasurable, sometimes it feels uncomfortable, and for our lives to be spiritually rich, we must keep moving towards the sensations of truth and practice trusting they are supporting us on a journey that we cannot yet see in its totality.
When you know something is incorrect for you, listen to yourself. Save your precious life energy for the things that deliver you home to your yes.
Being defenseless
How would you spend your energy if there weren’t anything to defend?
You don’t need anyone to believe what you know to be true in order to make it true. If you know it’s true, that’s enough. If you know it’s not true, that’s enough.
You deserve to spend your energy creating rather than defending.
Love will win
And only if we use it.
If we really want love to win, we need to tap into it and respond with it, no matter what. Love can’t win if we are using something else.
Love over being liked
Basing your contentment on whether or not you are liked or disliked guarantees instability and suffering and promises you will never express yourself in the way you are meant to.
Allowing your contentment to be sourced from whether or not you choose to love puts your life and expression back in your own hands. No one can stop you from loving, and that’s the greatest freedom.