Access your courage to create time for what is important
Often, our courage arises to help us hold space for unimportant things to fall apart a bit so that we can give our attention to what is most valuable to us.
Our minds will always plead with us to focus on the trivial and tell us we don’t have time for what is true for us. Our minds often regard time as something we need to get more of or a force working against us. However, time isn’t something we have or don’t have. Time is something we create by taking our attention off of things that don’t matter and redirecting it to what does.
Courage is also not something you need to get. It is something you have within you that you need to call on to support you when you want it. It often shows up as a fluttery stomach or an elevated heart rate. This is how courage does its job.
Creating time for what is essential may take courage, yet you have plenty of it. You just need to access it.