Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The risk of letting love lead you

Is that it will not lead you down the safe path. It will inevitably lead you to and through heartbreak, yet it is designed this way because you need heartbreak to learn to love more deeply.

Each time we fear heartbreak or experience heartbreak, we have the opportunity to remember we are in the process of returning to our most loving state. When we can love without attachment to the outcome, we are guaranteeing ourselves lives full of love, which includes heartbreak.

What if you could give your heart fully to life rather than play it safe and never love, which is the same as never living?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Liking, learning, and loving

People are not supposed to like everything you do. You are not even supposed to like everything you think, feel, and do. However, we have been trained to create lives around avoiding what we don’t like when, really, our relationship with things that we don’t like or that other people don’t like holds our greatest opportunity to learn to love.

We become fixated on what we don’t like when we forget that we can have love regardless. What if in the moments you didn’t like what you were experiencing, or someone else didn’t like what you said or did, you could just let that happen and focus on love instead?

Our small personalities will always dislike things. This doesn’t mean that the truth, which is love, goes away. Would you be willing to stop wasting your energy resisting what is meant to happen and harness it to focus on what is steady and true instead?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Let go to love; love to let go

If you choose to love now, you won’t need to look back on this moment with regret.

If you trust yourself to love, you don’t need to fear the future.

Love helps us let go, and letting go helps us love. When there is no regret and no fear, there is love.

What is it time for you to love so you can let go?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The answer is now

Holding on to the idea that figuring out the future will make you happy keeps you from receiving the present moment, which is the only place that life is.

Instead of believing that there is something to figure out about the future, consider that the answer is in the mystery of the now.

Later will also be now, and then there will be another later. What if instead of living for later, you lived for now?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Work with the forces of loving change

The natural world is always working to change things in the direction of love- healing, connecting, regenerating, growing. Our job is to learn to facilitate that change rather than impede it. The fastest way to do that is to hold a vision for the future where all of those intentions of love have succeeded and take actions and host conversations that you feel bring us closer to that future.

With your vision being the place to start, you might consider beginning to audit your visions of what is possible for the future. What if the things you imagined really were the foundation for your life and the future?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

We know when

Fear is holding us back.

There is a difference between your inner wisdom telling you something isn’t worth the risk and the voice of fear telling you to stay small. Identifying which voice is guiding you can give you the freedom to move forward either way.

If you sense in, is your wisdom or fear keeping you where you are?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You get what you bring

Are you open to possibilities or closed to them?

You can either see the future as full of wonder or full of the past. If you bring wonder, you get possibilities. If you bring the past, you get resignation. You choose what you get by choosing what you bring.

It is easier to bring the past as it is the most familiar and therefore takes the least creativity. Yet, you are designed to be creative, so wonder is more fulfilling.

What if the thing you gave up on is still unfolding?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Follow your own advice

Years ago, someone asked me a question that changed my life, and it is time for it to change my life again.

They said, “If you had to give a speech to high school graduates, what would your message be?” My response was, “Fear will try to stop you. Go anyways.” At that moment, I realized that the only reason I wasn’t taking action on what I wanted was because I was scared. That was the day I decided to move toward my dream, and it changed everything.

Today, I find myself scared again, so I am listening to the words of wisdom I gave myself 14 years ago. I don’t need to learn more stuff or become more certain, I need to do what I already know to do.

I share this because often, we need to be reminded of what we know, not learn something new. We need to listen to our own advice and take our own medicine.

What if you just listened to your own advice instead of waiting for someone or something else to make your decision?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You’ve been asked to let go

The benevolent forces at play are always asking you to let go.

If you feel stuck, anxious, burdened, resentful, or worried, you likely need to let go of something. And if you are looking for permission to do so, know that not only do you already have these forces’ blessing, it is your spiritual responsibility to do so. You cannot be who you are meant to be if you are holding on to something that isn’t yours to hold on to.

Whether it is an unforgiveness, a judgment, a belief, a role, a worry, an obligation, a relationship, a role, or a business, we are meant to let go so we can be present and be the gift we are at our essence, which is love.

The stuckness will stay until you call on the courage within you to let go. What if you already had the permission to let go that you have been waiting for?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Things that unwork the work

If you are not willing to:

  • Be comfortable with discomfort

  • Have tough conversations

  • Do things that scare you

  • Apologize when you don’t want to

  • Speak up when you’re nervous

  • Take total responsibility for making the changes you seek

  • Appreciate yourself when one else does

Then, none of the other work matters. You can study, consume, and think about change all you want, and none of it will change things if you aren’t willing to do the things most people won’t do.

Where do you simply need to be willing to be uncomfortable to create the change you crave?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

What wants to happen?

There are forces way bigger than your thinking mind at play, and your body and imagination have the power to begin to tune into them and work with them. This is how your actions get propelled forward with momentum.

Relying only on your own ideas might limit you. Instead of asking yourself what you want to happen, ask yourself, what wants to happen. The forces of love, wholeness, possibility, and commitment are ready to guide you if you ask.

Where is it time to let go of your agenda and sense what wants to happen?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Learn to let go so you don’t have to let go

Learning to take space to do nothing besides be and allow is essential if you want to stay connected to the things that are most important to you.

We are designed to receive just as we are designed to do and give. If we create imbalance in our lives by always staying busy with doing and giving, we will eventually have to drop the ball on something important to us, because we are not designed to operate at that velocity.

Imbalance will manifest as a sort of rebellion, whether in your body, mind, or soul. That rebellion will always cause an unhelpful disruption as a means of getting your attention. When we practice letting go and receiving ahead of time, we can see imbalances before they take the wheel and we can make new choices to steer things in the direction of love.

What might it look like for you to let go a little roday, so you dont have to let go of what’s important?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Harness the momentum of gratitude

Resenting where you are does not help you get where you want to go; in fact, it might even prevent you from seeing where you truly want to go.

It is easy to feel down when things look different than you would like, yet resenting the people, places, and things in your life will only make you heavier, making it more challenging to create change.

Opportunity responds to gratitude, and gratitude helps us see possibility. Each step on your path is a step on your path; if it weren’t there, you wouldn’t have a path. Resenting the steps wastes energy, especially if you want to enjoy the journey.

What might happen if you released the heaviness of shoulds and should’ts and used gratitude as a springboard to get to where you are going next?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Playing it safe

Choosing to play it safe is the same as choosing to play it scared.

When we take the “safe” route, we operate out of fear. As long as we let fear stop us, we stay trapped in a place of fear. To free ourselves, we must move towards faith and act on what inspires us.

What might life be like if you didn’t organize it around staying as “safe” as possible?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Compounding courage

The little bits of courage you practice everyday compound into a courageous life. There are infinite opportunities for you to have what you dream of, yet they are only truly opportunities if you have taken the brave steps to set yourself up to seize them.

Courage not only compounds; it becomes easier. When you practice courage every day, doing the little things you feel scared to do or say, those things eventually become easy. From this foundation, courageous actions are available in new places, setting you up to embrace opportunities and see new possibilities with more repose.

What tiny courageous thing can you do today that could open the floodgates to more bold action?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Accidentally working on what you don’t want

Consider there is a place in your life where you are doing too much work because you are not willing to do the actual work required to move through to the other side and break free.

You are meant to work, yet not overwork by doing counterproductive and unnecessary work. Why not ahead and do the real work at hand so you can move forward and contribute as much as you can with the time that you have.

Where is it time to stop working so you can start working?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It started with “I can’t”

“I can’t” is meant to be the beginning, not the end.

When you find your mind telling you that you can’t, you don’t deserve it, you aren’t enough, or there isn’t enough, you can be sure that you are being presented with an opportunity to grow and expand through being teachable, curious, and committed.

The thing is, you don’t have to do anything. And if you want to, it is essential to know you can. You have nothing to prove, yet you have a personal responsibility to express and give your gifts if you want to feel fulfilled.

What if you could let your mind try to stop you and move forward anyway? What if you let the “I can’t” be a new beginning?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When the way to do it is just to do it

You likely already have a sense of what to do, and you might even know exactly what to do. And the way to do it, is just to do it.

If you ask yourself, “How do I tell this person something?” The answer is to tell them.

If you ask yourself how to forgive someone, the answer is to forgive them.

If you ask yourself how to begin, the answer is to begin.

If the answer of “just doing it” still isn’t enough, then the answer is courage.

What is it time for you to just do?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Keep the ball in the air

The only goal of this game is to keep the ball in the air. You make your best move and then respond accordingly to what happens.

Your job as you make decisions in your life is to keep the ball in the air, and there are so many ways to do that. Make your best move, be present to see what happens, and then respond accordingly.

The point of this game is to play as long as possible, not to get a particular result. What if you could see your life as this type of infinite game?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Avoiding it won’t change it

You can’t create it or change it if you are avoiding it. In fact, it is creating you.

Avoidance creates us to be stuck, fearful, and trapped. It tells us what we can do and what we are not free to do. It imprisons us in the past, where we must stay the same. You are not meant to be any of these things.

The way to stop avoiding it is to do just that: stop it. And when you stop avoiding it, you get to start being curious about it. When you are curious about it, your creative power begins to emerge. When you are creative and powerful, anything is possible. Add some commitment in there and you will be completely free in the area you were once stuck. It’s ok to be nervous and uncomfortable about all of these things. Let the discomfort repeatedly redirect you to your curiosity and power.

Whatever “it” is for you, what if you stopped avoiding it and started being curious about it?

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