Learn to let go so you don’t have to let go

Learning to take space to do nothing besides be and allow is essential if you want to stay connected to the things that are most important to you.

We are designed to receive just as we are designed to do and give. If we create imbalance in our lives by always staying busy with doing and giving, we will eventually have to drop the ball on something important to us, because we are not designed to operate at that velocity.

Imbalance will manifest as a sort of rebellion, whether in your body, mind, or soul. That rebellion will always cause an unhelpful disruption as a means of getting your attention. When we practice letting go and receiving ahead of time, we can see imbalances before they take the wheel and we can make new choices to steer things in the direction of love.

What might it look like for you to let go a little roday, so you dont have to let go of what’s important?


What wants to happen?


Harness the momentum of gratitude