Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You are supposed to be imperfect at speaking your truth

Knowing what is important and true is easier than expressing what is important and true.

Suppose you want to learn to speak and act from the truth with greater skill; first, practice knowing the truth. Knowing what is real for you requires reflection and introspection. As you discover what you sense to be true, your job is to learn to express it with your words and actions. As you practice expressing what you know, it will be imperfect, and you will be misunderstood and even do a poor job sometimes. This is the nature of practice and growth. Just because you are still learning to express it doesn’t mean you don’t know it. As you practice, you will get better and better.

How could you spend more time with what resonates so you can express it more easily?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Don’t fix. Transform.

Fixing is different than transforming.

When I find myself in a challenging situation that I don’t like, I often blame myself and try to figure out what I need to fix about myself to avoid discomfort in the future or what I could have fixed about myself retroactively to avoid the hardship. This reaction makes me feel guilty, stuck, fearful of the future, and other unpleasant things. These feelings block me from evolving into who I need to be to grow through the circumstances and thrive.

When I notice this happening, it is an opportunity to remember that there is nothing to fix about myself. In fact, I can even find a hint of joy and excitement amid the frustration, knowing I am in a transformational process and that there is no way I can’t expand through what I am learning if I do choose to learn. If I allow myself to transform rather than beat myself up for not being perfect as a way to “protect” myself, I can trust that life will always become more rewarding.

We are designed to evolve for the better, and we can only do that by loving ourselves enough to see the opportunities available to us in life as they are, not as they should be.

Where do you need to stop fixing so you can transform?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You can’t fix it, but you can change it

There is not one action you can take that can fix everything forever.

However, there is always one action you can take right now that can change everything.

The little actions that don’t fix everything at once but move you forward one step at a time are the choices that lead to significant changes. Please don’t give up before you start because it feels overwhelming. Give up looking for a fix-it, and you’ll see the next step on the path.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

How to find out what you know

Just like you spend time reading a book or watching a video to learn new information, you are meant to spend that same type of focused quality time listening to your Self.

Whether it is meditating, writing, creating art, or talking out loud with a powerful listener, you will be the most powerful version of yourself when you take the time to discover what you know.

You have an indescribable abundance of information about you, your life, and your contribution within you that no one else has. It will only become available to you when you take the space to discover what you know.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When you think you don’t know, but you do.

The need to know the “right” way when creating in the unknown blocks you from seeing and doing what you actually know to do. And we are always creating in the unknown.

Your mind thinks there is a right way, and your body knows what is blocking you now. Trust where your senses are taking you and create your path by unblocking yourself, step by step.

What if you stopped believing you don’t know and started trusting what you do know?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The excellence problem

The problem with committing to excellence is that people expect excellence from you. This is a problem worth having.

We often create mediocre things because we don’t want the responsibility of standing out, yet holding back and settling in this way will always leave us feeling unfulfilled.

When expectations are high, you may miss them sometimes, and that’s ok. You can use the tension of the gap to help you grow. When others don’t meet your expectations, you can love them instead of judging them to help them grow.

Where can you love yourself and others enough to embrace the problem of excellence?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Force or flow?

Your contribution and your happiness are most important, not your agenda.

Your agenda comes from your attachments to the things you want to prove or avoid, and your highest contribution comes from letting go of these things.

How can you work with your circumstances in this season to contribute at your highest level now, rather than pushing forward an agenda from the past that has nothing to with what’s needed now?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Trust your dynamic learning process

There’s the learning you seek out and there’s the learning that seeks you out. Both are essential.

The learning is seek out might be more obvious. You may register for a course, take a class, or read a book. Learning that you seeks you out may sneak up on you, and your body will tell you when it has arrived.

Our bodies often communicate that we are receiving unexpected learning opportunities with sensations of anxiety, fear, excitement, revelation, relief, ot anything else that grabs our attention becuase it is out of the ordinary. While some of these body sensations don’t always feel pleasant, we can always use them as an opportunity for learning. Our bodies are always telling us when to take action or when to take note.

Where is it time for you to embrace a learning that has sought you out?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Stop rushing to speed up

You will speed up when you stop rushing.

Your growth, contribution, and success are not linear; they compound over time when you move with intention and take responsibility for completing each moment, season, and task with wholeness. Wholeness is what supports you in taking the leap from incremental change to inexplicable transformation.

To get somewhere beyond where you can even imagine, stop rushing and start learning.

Where is it time to slow down so you can expand with wholeness?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Take care of you to deepen your relationships

You do not need to abandon or hide your own needs to serve your relationships. The more deeply you take care of yourself, the deeper your relationships can become.

The end result of true self-care is the ability to love more deeply and receive love more freely. More love makes every relationship better.

Where do you need to stop overriding what you know and need so you can show up as your most loving self? Where do you need to allow others to care for themselves so they can be more loving?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You can let them create you or you can create you

When you feel your buttons being pushed by the people or things around you, it is an opportunity to expand your ability to create yourself rather than being created.

Other people, places, and things can create us to be irritable, unkind, angry, hateful, rude, scared, or a multitude of different things if we let them. When we learn to notice the body sensations associated with these less-than-ideal states, we can catch ourselves giving over our choice away and instead practice creating ourselves to be who we want to be. Just as we can use our bodies to help us see when we are becoming something other than what we want, we can use our bodies to generate the feelings of who we want to be if we focus and practice.

What have you been created to be that you are not? Who do you choose to create yourself to be instead?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You already have permission; now take responsibility

If you have been waiting for permission or someone to hold your hand and make you leap, that person will have to be you.

 You already have all the permission you need available; you just need to be willing to be responsible for all the inevitable downs that will bring the ups. The permission is already there; you must decide whether you will commit to enduring the journey.  

Are you ready to commit?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Feel good instead of feeling gone

Love is the best feeling there is. Love is better than checking out.

We have all been taught to check out to protect ourselves. What if you found a way to experience love more deeply?

Experiencing more love can feel challenging at first because it often lives on the other side of our deeply ingrained habits, yet if we are willing to do the work to break through, love is on the other side.

What do you imagine could help you experience more love in the long run rather than missing your life?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Good bad and bad bad

We use the word “bad” too broadly. What if we took the time to consider there is a good bad and a bad bad when it comes to our feelings and sensations?

We need a healthy dose of the good bad to grow. This is the experience of knowing something is good for us even when we feel resistant or it feels wildly uncomfortable. We can embrace this feeling by knowing the outcome will be good.

We don’t need to create any more bad bad in our lives. Pain and suffering are different than resistance and discomfort. The bad type of bad experience is the one where we deeply know something is harmful to us, someone else, or the world, yet we feel trapped in doing it anyway, so we do it. Some of us even get stuck in the bad type of bad because we feel like we aren’t strong enough to endure the good and bad, yet here we are putting up with so much pain.

What might happen if you take the energy you put into suffering and instead channel it into the discomfort that comes from the good type of feeling bad?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Celebrate and talk about awkward

Most of us try to hide while in the awkward beginning or learning stage or wish we could blow through it, not understanding its purpose and value.

The only way we can get to the fully integrated, masterful expression of something is to celebrate and talk about our journey as we fumble through learning through failure. If we want to move through the beginning stages more quickly, we must become more transparent about our awkwardness, not hide it.

 Where could you accelerate your learning and your contribution by talking about your process rather than hiding it?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

How to get the world to respond with love

The world reacts to our fear and doubt and responds to our love and faith.

Especially when panicking or giving up feels like the go-to option, consider that trust, commitment, and their relatives are the only powerful choices.

Paths forward do not reveal themselves in the presence of dread. They are illuminated by your choice to believe in our resilience.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Why learning takes time

There are things to learn from books, podcasts, courses, teachers, and mentors.

There are things to learn from your past, future, and present.

Either way, the key to truly learning is taking the time to implement what we discover. If we haven’t begun integrating what we now believe into our everyday lives, then we haven’t learned, and the process of believing and not acting is very stressful for us.

Learning is not about how much content you consume or how much journaling you do; it is about taking action. A large part of the growth process is the time spent away from consumption and introspection in the trenches.

What is it time for you to do instead of know?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The way to get great is to start

If you want to be great at handstands, the key is first to get comfortable taking tiny hops and getting your feet off the ground.

If you want to become skillful at solving the correct problems, the key is first to get comfortable with taking tiny actions where you feel scared.

If you want to become a great spouse one day, the key is to first go on some dates and discover what it takes to be in a relationship.

There will be a point in your journey where your deep understanding of the whole allows you to execute with mastery, and for now, just starting where you feel brand new is enough.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

On the other side of transformation

On the other side of transformation lives the re-creation.

As you evolve on the inside, you will need to actively work to change things on the outside. The people in your life will still see you as the you of yesterday, and you will still need to work to unlearn patterns that have been a part of your personality for a while. Don’t let this work stop you. This re-creation is actually how you fully integrate your transformation.

As you feel the discomfort of bumping up against old habits that no longer align with who you are on the inside, all you have to do is acknowledge them to yourself and others as they come up and practice making new choices. Owning your inevitable slip-ups as you grow is vital, as the ownership sets you free. As you practice radiating your new way of being out to the world more and more, the old patterns will fall away. Perfection is not a part of transformation; compassion is.

Your ability to re-create your life is your birthright. Where is it time to create your outer world to match the new you?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Transparency as a love language

We often think we protect one another by withholding information to keep someone’s feelings from being hurt.

However, all the energy we spend attempting to manage one another’s emotions could be better spent on teaching one another that we can love someone and simultaneously share information with them that they might not like. We incorrectly learned somewhere along the line that discomfort and love are mutually exclusive when, in reality, they cannot exist without each other.

Being transparent requires bringing enough light for everyone to see clearly. This means telling the truth from love for yourself and love for the other person. Helpful transparency is different than irresponsibly spewing hate on someone.

Where might a new depth of relationship be available if you practiced transparency as a love language?

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