You can let them create you or you can create you

When you feel your buttons being pushed by the people or things around you, it is an opportunity to expand your ability to create yourself rather than being created.

Other people, places, and things can create us to be irritable, unkind, angry, hateful, rude, scared, or a multitude of different things if we let them. When we learn to notice the body sensations associated with these less-than-ideal states, we can catch ourselves giving over our choice away and instead practice creating ourselves to be who we want to be. Just as we can use our bodies to help us see when we are becoming something other than what we want, we can use our bodies to generate the feelings of who we want to be if we focus and practice.

What have you been created to be that you are not? Who do you choose to create yourself to be instead?


Take care of you to deepen your relationships


You already have permission; now take responsibility