You’re not holding back

Your natural essence is expressing yourself freely, contributing joyfully, and receiving openly. When you find yourself in the experience of holding back, it’s not because you are holding back; it’s because something is holding you back. The good news is that something that is holding you back is something you can let go of.

A lack mindset, fear of being judged, a belief that people need to like you, or an unforgiveness or a grudge are things you could let go of that would allow your energy to flow naturally toward what your body and soul want to experience. When you choose to let go of what is holding you back from feeling like you are meant to feel, you can trust the wisdom within you to guide you in the correct direction for you to give and receive at your next highest level.

You aren’t holding back. Something is holding you back. And you can let it go. What is that thing right now?


Receiving is a responsibility


You’re already working hard. Is it on the right thing?