Yay! You noticed!

When you find your beautiful mind expending energy on worry, it’s something reminding you that you have a choice.

Most of the things we worry about are just whatever worries pop into our heads at that moment. They aren’t the “right” things to worry about and usually aren’t the most important things to focus our energy on. Our lower personalities don’t like when we get too happy, so they produce worried thoughts to limit us. When we notice this, we can release our grip on the thoughts and choose to refocus on clear communication flow with the universe instead.

Sometimes our worries direct us to our commitment, and there is something essential to take action on right now. When we notice this, we can choose to take action or actions and then refocus on the flow of the present moment again.

Please pay close attention to when worry thoughts creep in and don’t take them too seriously. Bring curiosity so you can choose what you focus on.


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