The only thing keeping you from taking your leap

Is that old mind junk that someone or a lower version of you left lying around in there. 

If you are ready and willing for your life to be what it could be, it’s time to decide to change your relationship with the thoughts that keep you stuck. Not hope to, not wish to, not plan to. It’s time to decide.

In this upgraded relationship with your limiting thoughts, which could be self-criticism or doubt or the same directed towards another, choose to appreciate the thought for showing you that there is an opportunity to step to your next level. After you send gratitude to the thought, let it know that it does not have any authority over you, and then invite in the highest and best thought that is aligned with 100 percent self-worth and wholeness. Then, harness the body sensations of ease, excitement, or nervousness and step into the new paradigm.

It really can be this simple. Curiosity, clarity, gratitude, and courage will change everything if you decide to have them be your tools.


The only way to know


Yay! You noticed!