There’s no room for self-doubt
There is no room for self-doubt in a life well-lived. We must, of course, have a healthy awareness of skills we lack, and we are most inspired when we grow in the areas that hold opportunities for us, but this is different than believing and giving energy to self-deprecating thoughts.
To believe in your Self and love your Self is the least selfish thing you can do. To drain other people’s energy and to rob them of what you could contribute to them through needing to prove, be validated, or hustle is the selfish thing. To believe your thoughts are more powerful or accurate than the Truth and Perfection you were created from is the ultimate form of self-importance. Your humility and ability to serve are expressions of your Self-Faith, not self-doubt.
How might your life and the lives of those you care about change if you only had room for Self-Faith?