Prioritize your relationship with the unknown
Prioritizing your relationship with the unknown could be the most important thing you do, as everything is unknown.
Much of the subtle (and not-so-subtle) stress we carry around through our days and lives results from our worry about and attempt to control the future. If we can influence outcomes, we will be happy. And, of course, we cannot.
When we tune in, we have preferences that can guide us- the preferences to be happy, healthy, wealthy, connected, and self-expressed, which emerge as part of our true nature. However, we cut off our ability to have these things at a soul level when we believe they can only come from our prescribed circumstances. When we instead allow ourselves to be open to respond to and flow with any outcome as we work towards our preferences, we reconnect our power to receive wisdom, clarity, intelligence, creativity, and maybe even enthusiasm and joy.
We have no idea what the people we see today will say to us. We have no idea who will be in our lives in 5 years. We cannot control what other people or things want, do, or experience. We can only practice releasing our pull to grip to be free to fly.