Living in fear or using fear to live

There is the type of fear that keeps us alive; we love that type of fear because it helps us jump out of the way of the moving car.

Then, there is the type of fear that keeps us from truly living, which means experiencing love, health, abundance, and Self-expression. While we don’t want to dwell in this fear or let it stop us, it does serve an essential purpose. This type of fear is helping us evolve, showing us where we have the opportunity to choose love.

Whenever we experience the fear that keeps us from feeling the good things we are meant to, these sensations invite us to choose love. Not only will choosing to take action from love help you evolve, but it will also help clear a pathway that is a part of our whole evolution as a species.

Embrace all the fear. Let it help you stay alive and fully live.


You’re already working hard. Is it on the right thing?


Doing what you love is a discipline