Inner rest for outer work
Inner rest is a state you can connect to and live from that allows you to work hard in the world without burnout from proving, worrying, or over-exerting. Inner rest is a state that comes from knowing you are something way bigger than your thoughts, body, or emotions. That thing has many names; its essence is pure perfection and cannot be changed, touched, or taken away by anything. Inner rest is available to you now and forever and is most helpful when we feel least compelled to surrender into it.
Remembering we have this place inside of us allows us to have more choice. We can choose to work hard when we feel it serves our intentions, and we can choose to rest fully when we feel like that is required. Our minds and the people and things around us will almost always have reasons to quit when hard work would be helpful or to push through when rest would be best. Inner rest is the place we can dwell that can help us choose freely based on what is most important.
How might your approach change if you allowed yourself to rest in the bigness of your essence?