Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The hard work of ease

Do the very focused and disciplined work of listening to the Truth of your Self, taking actions, and making sacrifices from that place every day and every moment. If you are willing to do this work, your life will begin to feel easy because it will be aligned with what you value most.

It will also look easy to others on the outside, yet you will know that you earned it by doing the work that no one else could do- trusting your Self.

Easy can be earned if you are willing to do the correct hard work. The hard work will never end, yet neither will the fulfilling ease that comes as a result. More discord can also be created if you get stuck in the hard work of proving, hustling, and ignoring what you know.

Which type of hard would you rather experience? The kind that connects you to your natural ease, or the type that creates more resistance?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Is today a gift or a burden?

It is up to us, and let’s and choose the former rather than the latter.

We have incredible superpowers to harness; the power of our imagination, our attitude, and the context we choose to live inside of in this moment. The only thing we know for sure is that life will one day be over, and will have treated it like a gift or a burden, and whichever we choose is what we will be left with and what we leave behind.

Our lives are made up of days, and days made up of moments. What would it take to see this moment as a gift? How many moments would you be open to a fresh start to give and receive, through the power of your choice?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Comfort yourself in the right way

Some comfort is worth it. Some isn’t.

The type of comfort that comes from the satisfaction of truly loving someone and being of service to them in a way that serves the truth is what we are made to experience.

The type of comfort that comes from holding back and not ruffling feathers or stirring the pot in an effort to be liked is what drains us of our aliveness over time.

Seek the comfort that comes from genuine connection and service. Run from the comfort that keeps you from living your dream.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Reactivity displaces clarity

Reactivity displaces clarity. The world benefits when you are clear because that is when love can work through you, and the world needs love.

What if the most important way for you to serve was to not let yourself become repurposed by fear and stay connected to love?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Eliminating this one word could change everything

The most detrimental word in the English language is should.

Maybe the way to do your part today is to let go of the notion that you or anyone knows exactly how it should be, and to start being curious about what Love would do now.

Who would you get to be without should and shouldn’t? Who would the world get to be?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Prioritize your clarity to help everything

The things that help us are most important when we need the help.

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

  • Prayer

  • Yoga

  • Exercise

  • Friend-time

  • A good playlist

  • Deep breaths

  • Sunlight

  • Sleep

  • Breaks

If you need help, help yourself. Please don’t wait until you feel better to do the things that make you feel better.

What if you prioritized your clarity?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

A more loving way

If your body is feeling stressed, tense, anxious, or dull, all that means is that a more loving way is possible.

And isn’t that great news? The question is, however, are you willing to experience it?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Self-respect as a basic need

There are certain things we have mistaken as a luxury for too long that are actually foundational to our success as human beings.

One of these things is Self-respect. We think, later. Later, I will act on the desires of my heart. Later, I will stop mistreating my body and my soul. Later, I will trust myself and value myself enough to give my true yes and my genuine no. Later, I will be generous with the people around me. Later, I will send my life around what makes me feel whole.

The problem is that later is too late. Self-respect is the only path if we want to live lives of love and make a difference for one another and our planet. Only when we are willing to truly listen to our wisdom can our world become wise. A world full of respect will not be created through disrespecting ourselves. And we can’t wait for everyone else to do it. It has to start with each of us.

What if the goal was the way?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The quiet work

The majority of what there is to do every day is the quiet, loving work in the background that nobody sees.

The point of creating a beautiful life is not so others can notice it, it’s so you can feel it. Do your work all the time. Let everyone else do theirs.

Maybe letting others do theirs is the hardest part? That’s part of your work.

Would you be willing to let it be that simple?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry


It lives and dances inside the breath of letting go.

Letting go of the way others should be, letting go of the way you should be, letting go of what should be in the future, letting go of what should have been in the past. Letting go of needing anyone to understand, letting go of needing to be understood, letting go of being right, letting go of being wrong. Joy lives in loving this breath exactly as it is and as it isn’t.

Any why joy? It gives us our fuel, our clarity, our way to truly serve.

What if you didn’t need to label and judge right now? What if you let yourself do it later if it still felt important? How might you feel in the space of letting go?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Strength in both directions

Being strong enough to move forward means you must first be strong enough to let go.

What do belief, comfort, or burden do you need to release to ensure you are light enough to go the distance you want to go?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Care less, love more

When we say we care about something, it often means we are scared of what may happen in the future. And when we operate out of fear, we lose our clarity of mind and our ability to choose freely.

When we find ourselves caring too much, our job is to shift from fear into love, releasing future outcomes and showing up with our hearts open right now. Right now is the only place we can make our difference anyway, and we won’t make it in a state of fear.

You can’t control the future, so why not practice showing up now with love instead?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The game

What if there was nothing to get to, nothing to get through, nothing to avoid, nothing to fear, nothing to hoard, nothing to escape, and nothing to fix? What if there were just a truth to stay connected to and learn to express, and it only lived in the present moment?

What would you be willing to let go of so you could enjoy the game of life while you get to play?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The way it looks is different than the way it feels

Many people look successful, yet few people feel successful.

Many people look healthy, yet few people feel healthy.

Many people look wealthy, yet few people feel wealthy.

Many people look _________, yet few people feel _______.

Our work is to focus on feeling these things rather than looking them. To even do this, we must first discover what each of these things means to us.

What do success, health, and wealth mean to you? What do you need to do to feel them in your body?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

What’s choosing for you?

Are you choosing it or is Fear?

Are you choosing it or is Resentment?

Are you choosing it or is Shame?

You are Love. Either you are choosing, or something ese is choosing for you. If you want to feel like yourself, make sure you are choosing for yourself.

Where is it time to take back your choice?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Good weird or bad weird?

It’s ok to feel weird and uncomfortable; it’s essential.

However, there is good weird and bad weird. The good news is, your body knows the difference; it is telling you if it doesn’t like what you are thinking or doing, or it is telling you it is excited about something new and uncomfortable.

Embrace your moments of feeling weird, as they have valuable information to offer you.

Instead of assuming weird is bad, could you cross-check with your body and see if there is an opportunity to embrace?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

8 billion paths

There are eight billion people on this planet, which means there are at least eight billion ways to get from Point A (birth) to Point B (death). You are only meant to experience one of them, the one you are taking.

While you cannot experience more than one of them, there is a way to guarantee you don’t experience any of them: to try to make your path look like someone else’s or to want someone else’s path to look like yours. The only way you can fully live your life is to devote your energy to sensing and celebrating your way through all of your ups and downs, successes and failures, and allow others to do so.

Your path has never been walked and will never be walked again. What if you chose to be present with each step so you don’t miss it?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Valuing value

You should only be able to make money doing things that are bad for others and draining for you.

How ridiculous is this belief? Nothing is more worthy of financial abundance than serving others and expressing and contributing our unique gifts. 

What if we valued the things that create value?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Lose the burden and keep the benefit

Today, you get to move forward with the benefit of the past and without its burden.

If you choose to, you can release or begin to release the things that have not worked and carry forward the blessings and the learnings you have gained along the way. Things are meant to change, and if we let it be, the past can be a gift to us, no matter how it has been.

The real blessing is the moment and life right now and right ahead of you. Only carry forward the gifts, and release the rest.

How might you use the past to your benefit as you create what’s now and next?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Love doesn’t fear

When we fear people we cannot love them.

We may love someone in concept, yet if we are scared to be open with them in some way or allow them to be open with us, we are sending them, and ourselves, our fear and not our love.

What if you chose to love people by being open with them instead of fearing them?

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