Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Essence over effect

If we aim to enjoy our lives for the brief time we have, it will serve us to focus on the quality of what we are doing rather than the outcome of what we are doing.

There is no way to know if we are on the “right” path because infinite paths are available to us with endless possibilities, each with circumstances and outcomes unknown, including those we are on. If we stress whether our actions will land us in our preferred destinations, we will lead lives full of stress. And stress makes us do weird things.

If we can remember that it is not our job to control outcomes but to be creative and happy, as happiness helps us do life-giving things, we can focus on the essence of the energy we are bringing to the task at hand at the moment, bringing more fulfillment into our lives.

How do you sense your life would change if you stopped worrying about what you “should” be doing, focused on how you could be, and allowed things to unfold?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Patience to presence

Most of us humans are addicted to thinking and worrying about the future, concerned that we might not get exactly what we want when we want it.

This concern is valid as do not have ultimate control over any future outcomes, yet our work is to embrace our lack of control, not resist it.

All of the things we think we will receive from our preferred outcomes, whether it is joy, peace, freedom, or love, are all available now, independent of our outcomes, and are coming our way if we are willing to be patient. However, the thing to discover about patience is it is not just waiting. It is an active space that we hold that allows us to redirect our energy to the present moment, which is the only place where life happens and the only place we can experience what we hope for.

What if life isn’t about the future and is about right now? Could you practice patience to help you practice presence?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Fixing the old versus creating the now

Trying to get something old and broken to work again like it used to is not the best use of your energy.

Spending your energy resisting the reality of your circumstances may feel safer, yet there is nothing more dangerous than ignorance. Only when we are willing to welcome life precisely as it is happening, including our less-than-desirable thoughts and feelings about what is happening, can we find refuge in the creativity that gives us our purpose and fulfillment.

Your willingness to create with what is right now will create even more opportunity than what the circumstances of the past held. What if you lived your life believing this to be true?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

There is always another level

What if you made your life about continuous, unending discovery instead of proving anything?

There will always be another level available- another level of truth, love, joy, wisdom, fulfillment, or anything else life-giving. In this context, the point of knowing there is another level is not to make you feel like the level you currently have is not enough. This belief in a never-ending unfolding provides you with comfort and faith that while we will inevitably experience challenges and heartbreaks, we are always guaranteed more of the good stuff in the long run.

There is nothing that can take your next level away from you. Each moment is an opportunity to learn and let go, making space for what is waiting. What if you stopped being against anyone or anything and started being for the next discovery?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

If we all gave fully

You have a specific gift to give, and if you spend time comparing it to what someone else has to provide, either making yourself inferior or superior, we won’t be able to work together in the way we are meant to.

To thrive as a collective, we must all give what we have to provide and stop spending time trying to give what other people are meant to give or thinking that someone else should have the same strengths or perspectives we do. Some gifts may seem flashier or more obvious, but that doesn’t make them more essential or valuable.

What if you made your life about fully contributing your unique talents and working with others who are doing the same? Might you allow your strengths to come together in concert, creating a beautiful symphony greater than the sum of its parts?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Trust the balance

Your inhale and your exhale work together to create your complete breath cycle.

You likely don’t waste time wishing you were inhaling when you are exhaling or vice versa. What if you could learn to trust the different spaces you move through over the course of your day or life and fully allow them to happen, knowing they are part of the whole?

If you're yearning for more balance and flow, could you shift your perspective? Instead of wishing and resisting where you are, could you start valuing it?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Are you thinking big enough?

The thing that could be keeping you from thinking big enough is thinking.

What if you valued sensing, feeling, desiring, and allowing your way into seeing what might be possible rather than rationalizing yourself there? Could it be that your mind is simply iterating on what it has seen in your past and the path laid out by others? Could it be that you are focusing on the “how?” way too soon rather than the “why?” or the “what?”

Our thinking and rationalizing minds are powerful and help us execute many incredible things, yet we are meant to begin elsewhere—with the heart.

To dream and open up your doorway to contribute big, stop thinking, and start feeling, wondering, and allowing.

Where could you let your heart lead you to what is possible instead of your mind?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Resistance blocks our blessings

When we resist the self-transformation that life is asking us to undergo, we are resisting the blessings waiting for us on the other side.

Resistance repels the good things waiting for us. Acceptance and surrender open the space for us to receive.

What transformation are you resisting, where you could be receiving?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Tolerating the wrong thing

One of your most powerful resources in supporting yourself in expanding is a healthy dose of “So, what?”

We often tolerate our mind’s excuses and whining as acceptable reasons to abandon our dreams, longings, and commitments. When we can notice these normal yet harmful reactions to new and inconvenient things and be playful about how insignificant they are, we can choose to create our lives no matter what.

What if next time your mind said something like, “I would, but it’s hard, and I don’t know how,” you responded, “So, what?”

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Expanding is growth, not fixing

To grow doesn’t mean to change or fix. It means to increase or expand naturally and organically.

The gifts and miracles you are meant to express, experience, and enjoy are already within you. To increase and expand, they need the right conditions: love and gratitude.

What if gratitude for your unique gifts, not wishing you were different, could be the thing to help you thrive?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry


It is easy to listen to the advice of fear or one of its children, like doubt, avoidance, resignation, or confusion, and take action from that place. The voice of fear is loud and manipulative and offers the temptation of instant gratification.

However, the advice of Wisdom is always available if we are willing to listen. This voice represents courage, strength, kindness, and purpose. It doesn’t baby us, yet it is gentle. It offers us long-term happiness and abundance if we are willing to do the work.

How might your choices and actions open up today if you asked yourself, “What would wisdom do?”

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

A happy life, not a comfortable one

The point is to have a happy life, not escape all discomfort.

If you make your life about running away from discomfort, you can guarantee an unhappy life. If you make your life about moving towards what makes you happy daily, you can guarantee more happiness- and discomfort.

Choices, tension, focus, intensity, and letting go are all part of taking responsibility for your enjoyment of life. There isn’t a place to get to that will make life's challenges go away, and you have the power to create more contentment every day.

What if you stopped running away from what you’ve been running from and moved towards the source of your happiness each day?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

What if it curiosity could open the door?

If you want more of something, discover and study what creates it.

If you want more happiness, discover and study what creates it for you.

If you want more peace, discover and study what creates it for you.

If you want more abundance, discover and study what creates it for you.

If you want more of anything, don’t wait around for it. Go discover where it comes from. What if it’s a never-ending, expanding, and compounding world, bigger than you ever imagined?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Invest in a good bug zapper

Bright light attracts flies.

As you shine brighter and more flies come your way, don’t put yourself out. Just get a great, easy way to eliminate the flies as they inevitably come.

Where have you not been able to provide illumination because you have been afraid of attracting flies?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

How to surprise yourself

The best part about an emotionally intimate relationship is that you can go deep quickly. The stuff underneath the obvious is the good stuff.

When you find yourself at the end of the obvious with yourself and bump up against “I don’t know,” know that you are just getting started. Keep letting yourself go deeper and see what else is there. It may feel like uncharted territory because it is, and that is where the beauty lives.

How about you allow yourself to go deeper than usual with yourself today?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It’s not easier just because it’s faster

The thing that takes the least time may make things the hardest in the long run.

Having that one-on-one, uncomfortable conversation or re-writing the draft for the tenth time might feel harder than rushing through, yet it will make life so much easier in the future. Handle it with intention now so it doesn’t show back up needing even more attention and clean-up later.

What is that one slower, more time-intensive thing you could do today that would make life much easier?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When you sense a change wants to happen

When you sense a change wants to happen, remember that it will happen whether you want it to or not. It’s in your best interest to facilitate and nurture the transition process with love rather than resist it.

When you work with change, you get to co-create it instead of being created by it. If you want to grow and evolve, the only way is to allow the things around you to grow and develop because they are anyway.

What change are you sensing and resisting rather than celebrating and choosing?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Your opinions don’t qualify you

Just because you have an opinion about something doesn’t mean it’s true and certainly doesn’t make you anywhere near an expert.

Our opinions tend to energetically open us up to judgment, resentment, confusion, illusion, and a false sense of safety. Our work is to remember that while we always have a perspective that can sometimes be helpful, we can only fully understand something when we are the one person experiencing it.

What if you stopped wasting your energy trying to convince someone that your opinion is correct and instead invested it in curiosity, wonder, and collaboration?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Confidence comes from doing the work

What is it that you want to feel confident in? Practice that thing until you feel confident. You won’t feel authentically confident without the reps.

What is helpful on your journey to confidence is confidence that you will become confident. This means that even if you feel awkward, scared, silly, or messy as you learn, you can bring a sense of ease to all that, knowing the confidence will come because you are putting in the work.

Where do you need to put in more effort to gain more confidence? Where do you need to have more confidence that you will become confident?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Understand others to help yourself

I see a lot of conversation on the internet (myself included) about how important it is to release the need for others to agree with, approve of, like, or accept how we express ourselves. This is one of the most essential practices for your contribution.

However, to make it whole, we also need to practice what we hope to receive. That is, we each need to practice releasing judgment on the ways that others express themselves. If we only do half the work, it doesn’t work.

Self-expression, acceptance, and curiosity are only powerful when we all get to receive them. How might you help yourself and everyone by being less judgmental, more open-minded, and more understanding of others?

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