Essence over effect

If we aim to enjoy our lives for the brief time we have, it will serve us to focus on the quality of what we are doing rather than the outcome of what we are doing.

There is no way to know if we are on the “right” path because infinite paths are available to us with endless possibilities, each with circumstances and outcomes unknown, including those we are on. If we stress whether our actions will land us in our preferred destinations, we will lead lives full of stress. And stress makes us do weird things.

If we can remember that it is not our job to control outcomes but to be creative and happy, as happiness helps us do life-giving things, we can focus on the essence of the energy we are bringing to the task at hand at the moment, bringing more fulfillment into our lives.

How do you sense your life would change if you stopped worrying about what you “should” be doing, focused on how you could be, and allowed things to unfold?


Shift from controlling to creating


Patience to presence