Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

What’s best for you

Is not about what is most convenient.

It’s about what will leave you feeling proud about who you were, which often means doing what is best for others.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

There’s a lot to do

Over the course of your lifetime. And, there is only one thing to do right now.

You can’t do everything at once because you aren’t supposed to. Get present and sense what the one thing to do right now is. Then get present again and become clear about the next thing.

There will always be more work in the future as evolution is our job. Yet, forward movement doesn’t come from solving every problem today. Progress takes presence.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Stop wanting the whole how now

We kill off possibility by expecting to see the entirety of the whole “how” right now. Divine inspiration would never ask you to do anything that you already knew how to do and were already doing, so this type of clarity is impossible.

Clarity comes from listening closely enough to feel your purpose. The journey of expressing that purpose is a step-by-step revelation and co-creation. Keep holding your vision, and give it space to evolve. Instead of stressing because you don’t know every detail of how to get there, stay present, and you will see the part of the “how” that there is to do right now.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Love yourself enough to

Do the new thing.

The voice of doubt wants you to stay the same. Trust the encouraging voice of love enough to move towards the new, good change.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Courage is forgiveness of the future

Courage is deciding now to forgive others and ourselves for all the things that will happen that we didn’t plan for. We often “choose” not to move forward because we fear the missteps, judgments, and failures along the way. Choosing forgiveness ahead of time helps us clear the path to make our move.

Mistakes and things we don’t prefer will happen; that’s a given whether we take a risk or not. If we choose now to have the courage to love ourselves and others no matter what, we are free to create our lives and live regret-free.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Part of your spiritual responsibility

Is to own your creative power.

Meaning you are not bound by your past or by circumstances. You have the freedom to make a new choice right now.

If you play it safe and claim to be uncreative, suffering will be your norm. If you decide to open your heart and embrace how you show up right now is generating the world you are a part of, fulfillment can be your foundation.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Something you will absolutely never regret

The reason to do the loving thing for someone else is because it helps you.

When you give love, you receive it. It’s not about what you get first or in return. It’s about what you offer.

Give love to live regret-free.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Do your part by being joyful

Fun is one of Source’s most powerful manifestations. It cuts through the heavy and restores us to our humanness.

If you are feeling burdened, how might giving yourself permission for some fun at some point soon help you connect to some hope? How might bringing some to someone else help them see a new possibility?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

If it’s not uncomfortable, it’s not love

When you commit to truly loving someone, you must commit to a powerful relationship with discomfort.

The people you love will move through big things and they will express or suppress those big things in ways you can’t control, many of which will make you uncomfortable. These uncomfortable moments where you want to run, fight, or check out are the moments your love is most needed. Love holds space for big things, it doesn’t avoid them.

Love is different than like. Love takes strength.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You’ll never change, so make a new choice

Don’t wait around until you change to make a new choice. Instead, embrace the discomfort of making an unfamiliar choice as the pathway to change.

If you wait until you are different you will be waiting forever. The choice comes first. The change follows.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It’s harder to not do the hard thing

Doing the hard things is easier than not doing them.

With consistency, hard things eventually become easy. Without consistent action, they stay hard forever. The undone challenges pile up to make life heavy.

Through practice, get great at doing hard things so life can be easy.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Space allows love

When you believe that your worth or value is tied up in something there is no space to love yourself, let alone love the other person, place, or thing.

This goes for your romantic relationship, your outcomes at work, your personality traits, your children’s happiness, your body, and any other impermenant thing you identify with. You are not any of these things. You are something indescribable.

Space is required for love. Everyone and everything has its own distinct life and beingness. Allow yourself to be separate from those things so you can have enough space to experience your own love. From there, you can choose to extend that love out freely.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

How to use what you want

There will often be a gap between what you want and what you have.

We know that nature abhors a vacuum, so you must decide what you want to fill that gap with, or it will get filled with something you didn’t choose.

You can either use the gap to inspire you into action right now, or you can use the gap to beat yourself up and play the victim. Our authentic desires are meant to call us into joyful action, not to weigh us down with shoulds.

What action could you take right now that would move you closer to what you want? What if the action was the whole point, not the result?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Purpose follows focus

Your purpose may not be clear to you yet, and it will become clearer and clearer if you want it to and allow it to.

Over time, you will notice there is something you feel more and more called to focus your energy on. This is your purpose, or at least a big part of it. It could be love, creativity, service, discovery, or anything else life-giving.

Your purpose will continue to unfold because life will continue to reveal to you what you value and don’t value, what you believe and what you don’t believe, how you want to feel and how you don’t, what you see is helpful and what isn’t, and what is important to you and what isn’t. Enjoy the discovery of your ever-evolving contribution.

What are you called to focus your energy on now?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Capture your genius

You have a genius within you that lives to contribute and elevate. When you take time to create something, whether a piece of writing, a painting, a presentation, a talk, a gathering, new code, or a meaningful conversation, you are giving your genius a way to be realized in the world.

You don’t even have to know what your genius “is” to release it. Just sense what you are drawn to create and let it flow.

What does your genius want to contribute today?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Are you wrong about not having enough time?

You may not need as much time as you think. You never need precisely what you think. What you need to find your momentum is focus, and focusing on something is different than thinking about it.

Surprise yourself with what you can create by staying in your lane, your zone, your commitment, your courage, your joy, your presence, and your power.

What have you been avoiding because of time, and all it might take is some focused energy?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The ultimate technological advance

As human beings, we are meant to use love as our means.

We will do ourselves in if we use fear or division to get things done. Love is the technology we all need to learn to use to create a new future. 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Creativity as the way, not the way to creativity

Please don’t wait until you feel inspired to create.

Please don’t wait until you feel happy to create something beautiful. 

Take your power back by creating something with love. The inspiration and happiness will follow. 

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

To get lighter, go deeper

To receive what you want, you must be willing to let go of what feels mediocre, safe, and heavy. You are meant to have the next best thing that is waiting for you, yet you will only get there if you practice noticing where fear of the unknown is keeping you holding onto what is weighing you down.

Levity and openness are essential to your growth on all levels. The courage to let go and stay free is a within you if you are willing to go inward for your power.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

If you’re not there yet

Stay in it until you get there.

Wishing you were already there doesn’t help. Keep imagining what it will feel like when you get there, and taking the next correct step. Remember, staying in the process is different than waiting for it to be over.

The only way to get there is to stay in it until you get there.

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