Keep in instead of keep up
There is no one or nothing to keep up with outside of you. Believing this misconception is at the heart of the depletion and stress we experience.
Instead, there is an essence and energy inside of you to stay connected to. Release the temptation of believing the lie that finally keeping up with it all and keeping up face will make you happy. Discipline yourself over time to keep your focus on your own energy and peace and sourcing your expression from there.
Keep attuning within to help you find the correct expression out. There is nothing to keep up with (if you want to be happy).
When love doesn’t feel easy
It may be because you’ve forgotten to love yourself first.
If loving yourself feels hard some days, especially the days you feel like you should be different than you are, these are the moments to practice loving yourself with sweetness, acceptance, and forgiveness.
Love yourself unconditionally first and foremost, and you will naturally see how to extend your love to others.
Choose clarity over control
If there is an area of your life that feels out of your control, there may be more power available to you there than you think.
Instead of reacting by avoiding it or manipulating it, could you shift from wishing to control to gaining clarity? While you often can’t control the outcome, you can more deeply understand how to respond in creative, helpful ways to what is happening, therefore increasing your likelihood to find a new version of success.
What do you need to see, learn, ask, or discover to gain an new level of clarity?
To be human
Is to have the capacity to love. You are sanctified (used for your intended purpose) when you do so.
To feel happier, choose to love yourself and others as soon as you notice any sort of fear or tension move in.
Since you are human, being human will always be the most helpful thing to do.
Making things better
Is your job. However, so is appreciating things as they are.
You will experience more happiness in your life when you commit to doing both of these things no matter what, and surround yourself with people who share your commitment.
Feedback without appreciation is a drag. Appreciation without working towards improving what’s important is unfulfilling in the long run. Focus on both with other people who are equally as invested in gratitude and growth and enjoy the ease of true collaboration and creativity.
Focus on your passion to generate value
When something drains your energy, it is probably best to stop spending time on it if possible. Wherever you feel drained, you are likely a drain to others.
You are meant to spend your life doing what you are passionate about. Not only will this uplift you, but it will also uplift others.
How might you get support with things that drain your energy, or how could you remove them altogether?
Use love to unblock you
If you are feeling stuck, let love help you see an easy way forward. Then love yourself enough to go for it.
If you are feeing fearful, let love help you remember you are way bigger than your outcomes, and that your fulfillment lives in your courageous action and not in your result.
If you are feeling resigned, let love restore you to your purpose, which is to love. Let your simple and renewed purpose give you renewed meaning.
No matter the block, love is the path.
Time to Spidey save the day
Is the song that kept running through my head on repeat in my meditation today. Because my kids have been listening to it to on repeat all week.
This is a reminder that not everything you are exposed to during (the majority of) your waking hours is vitally important or true, and it will likely end up taking up lots of space in your thinking mind regardless.
Notice. Then choose the inobvious.
Seize your opportunity to do nothing about it
Not every thought you have is worth acting on. Most of them probably aren’t.
Your personal power lives just as much in your ability to do nothing about it than to do something about it.
Which type of thoughts would you like to practice letting be?
Go broad to find purpose
Your purpose is big and powerful enough to transcend specifics. Meaning no matter what changes or circumstances arise, your purpose will always be there as a gift to guide you.
Your greatest purpose in life doesn’t have to do with the skills you have developed or identify with. It isn’t limited or defined by your vocation, either, even if you are exceptionally talented at your work.
Your true purpose is more like one of the following:
To create
To love
To help people see how powerful they are
Divine Love
Discovering the undiscovered
Remember you are blessed, and be a blessing
Your purpose is not something you need to achieve. It is something you can rely on to help you navigate anything.
Make sure your strategy is helpful for you
“Because I should,” “Because I have to,” or “Because more is automatically better” are not winning strategies for happiness or impact.
Some examples of some strategies to shift into when you notice you are in a draining or restraining one:
Because I want to
To bring me joy
To bring joy to someone else
To help someone solve a problem
To help myself solve a problem
To create connection
To steward a life-giving mission or legacy
One of the essential habits you can build to help you execute strategies that contribute to your happiness rather than detract from it is cross-checking your motivations when you feel pressured or resistant to take action that you “should” take. The most significant shift can come from noticing tiny leaks in your energy.
Remember your purpose
My purpose is to love unconditionally. I offer that yours is the same.
My purpose is not to get other people to love me and neither is yours. Especially when you feel pulled to make someone else’s departure from their purpose about you, remember your purpose is simply to love them.
You have nothing to prove or control, just a purpose to own.
Let go of the fake version of easy
Positioning yourself as the victim can make life easier because you don’t have to be responsible and do the work of moving forward. However, it is the type of ease that keeps us heavy and restrained.
Doing the “hard” (you can substitute hard with new or uncomfortable) work of taking 100 percent ownership of your responses to life from here on out is the only way to find lightness and freedom.
You deserve to have authentic ease in your life rather than a knock-off. Where is it time to release the mentality of victimhood and welcome in the context of choice and creativity?
When feeling pulled, stand strong
The moment you most need it will be when you feel the most tempted to abandon it. This is true whether “it” is:
Unconditional love
Anything else useful
If you are considering substituting one of the above things with a less live-giving substitute like fear or blame, recognize this is the most critical moment to let the good stuff lead. This is what you have been learning for.
Only one true focus
Focusing on anything else except your power to shift things for the better with love is a distraction.
Doubt, judgment, and fear will never get your soul where it wants to go. Notice the pull and keep your aim.
Our weird relationship with new
Things can feel exciting because they are new, and they can feel scary because they are new. The label we give something new creates our relationship with it. We may either run towards or away from it because of how we perceive it.
While we sometimes avoid things because they are new or are initially fascinated with them because they are new, we often get bored with things when they eventually feel predictable and comfortable. Our attention goes to avoiding or running toward the next new thing.
The antidote to our weird relationship with “new” is to realize that everything and every moment is new and that there is something inside of us that is steady and eternal. Our job is to stay connected to the steady when we feel reactivated by what feels new and to stay connected to curiosity and passion when we feel comfortable.
Things are always new, and the truth is always the same.
Where would it serve you to stay connected to the eternal truth?
Where would it serve you to seek newness?
Worry exposes us
One excuse many of us have for indulging in worry is that it will somehow protect us and others from bad things happening. It doesn’t.
Worry actually exposes us to the energy of the future thing we are hoping to avoid, therefore doing the opposite of what we want.
A better option for your peace of mind is to surrender to the fact that your future will have heartbreak in it, and from there, trust your future self to navigate that challenge and grow from it. This type of surrender allows you to be protected in the only way you can be- by choosing to respond to the present moment with love no matter what.
If worry exposes you and love protects you, what might you focus on today?
Delight in delighting
What would delight the people in your life that matter most to you?
Imagine that answer, and have fun executing what you see.
Delighting others is an act of service, which, in turn, delights our hearts.
Go deeper than the surface
Resisting your feelings and circumstances will guarantee you live a surface-level life.
Embracing, celebrating, and working with them guarantees a rich, deep, adventurous life.
Keep this in mind when your lower personality starts selling you on the “comfort” of resistance.
What is it time for you to embrace so you can tap into your creative power, which is your personal power?
A judgment buffer
As you become more expressed and put yourself out there by contributing more, an inevitable part of that is being judged by folks, some who you know and love and some who don’t.
Your brain’s reward system does not like being judged because it used to threaten our survival if we didn’t fit in with the group, which is why we avoid it. Accepting that you don’t like being judged, and we will allow you to set yourself up for success and support.
As you grow, spending time around people who love you, support you, understand what you are up to, and share similar values becomes even more critical. The love and positive feelings you receive from that elevated connection are the feelings that give you the boost to go the distance.
Set yourself up by letting yourself be loved.