Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Expression is a need

People need to get their needs met to feel fulfilled. This includes the ability to express themselves fully.

Sometimes, one of the best ways you can help the people you love the most is by encouraging them to find other people to express themselves to or with, either in addition to you or instead of you. This is because we are all so dynamic and need different types of listening to thrive.

You don’t need to be the only person for anyone.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Freaking out is an option

And it’s likely not the best one.

Losing yourself to worry, anxiety, or blame often feels tempting because it allows us to step into a victim mentality, which feels like a safe place because we don’t need to take responsibility when we view ourselves as the victim.

However, learning to own your responsibility (or respond-ability) is like learning to love sleeping as you grow up. The alternative may seem way more exciting initially, but you feel much better in the long run if you choose peace. And not only do you feel better, but you are also clearer, more effective, and more creative.

If you notice the appearance of problems pulling you towards drama, practice loving yourself and your long-term wellness enough to trust yourself and the process instead.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Learnings and growth

One of the best ways to learn is through the decisions we would have made differently in retrospect. For example, we may notice upon reflection that our gut was telling us something different, and we overrode it or didn’t take the time to consider all the essential factors. These are different from our choices that we deeply know were the correct moves, yet they turn out differently than we planned.

When we acknowledge that we didn’t do our best to make a choice, we have the opportunity to learn a new lesson that no one can take away from us. This embodied lesson can help us avoid a similar future misstep and trust ourselves more. We mustn’t beat ourselves up for slipping up, not only because we all do it, but because self-deprecation takes the learning away, potentially encouraging us to make a similar mistake again. Additionally, even when we are left with the impact of what feels like a poor choice, connections, and blessings have inevitably come with it. Chance happenings that change our lives for the better would have never come to pass without our lack of discernment.

At the end of our days and lives, grace is the answer. It can help us learn from the past and appreciate the surprise gifts we have received.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Go for resonance

One of the moat important reasons to know what resonates with you is that if it resonates with you, it will likely resonate with someone else.

So often we miss our opportunity to make a difference through our work because we think about what someone else might appreciate, versus what hits home with us. When we produce based on guessing, the result is almost always missing the magic. When we feel for what is enlivening to us, we generate from a place of energy, vastly increasing the likelihood someone else will feel touched as well.

Nothing you create will ever resonate with everyone. However, if you want it to vibe with someone, make sure it’s moving yo you.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

What undermines your success

Your resentment will ruin your success and unconditional love will amplify it.

True success is a personal experience, not an external accomplishment. Doing your inner work to create peace of mind is the only way to feel your success.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Walls are built by doubt

The obstacles that feel very, very real to you might only be made of doubt.

The good news is, whether it is your doubt, someone else’s doubt, or both, it’s just a perspective, not the whole reality. What if you tried looking at things from the perspective of faith or someone who believes in you?

Your reality changes based on your perspective. Choose a useful one.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You can have excuses

You do not have to do anything you don’t want to do. And if not wanting to or inconvenience is the reason, say so. This puts your personal power back in your hands.

Excuses are lists of inconveniences. If you are committed, you can find a way. If you are not committed (there are many things I am not committed to), own it.

If there is something you genuinely want to contribute or receive, you can choose either excuses or actions. Of course, there will always be excuses, and you can use them; they simply won’t get you where you want to go.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Discomfort is only the beginning

The first sensation of letting go, feeling heartbreak, or experiencing disappointment is just that, the first sensation.

The first is always the beginning, not the end. The first uncomfortable feeling is the beginning of a process of a brand new opening of your heart if you stay the course.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Do not fear fearing fear

Fear of fear is the problem, not fear.

You can feel big things and work with them rather than letting them work you. You do not need to fear the sensations of fear. As you practice being curious about your fear rather than running from it, you may find that the fear that has the potential to stop you is unnecessary; it’s simply your first reaction.

Being scared is sometimes telling us to back away. Sometimes it’s telling us to dive in. Either way, curiosity helps it help us.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Attachment kills possibility

What if your attachment to a specific outcome is actually a block to your possibility?

Maybe today, as an experiment, practice welcoming every detour as an opportunity to see what you would have otherwise missed.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The essential practice for trusting yourself

The more you listen to and obey the voice of intuition and wisdom within you, the less that most people will likely approve of or understand you.

Luckily, you can still love yourself and love them regardless of their opinions. And, doing just that might be the most important practice there is.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Trade in achieving for creating

The world needs and wants (maybe if we don’t even fully know it yet) more people ready to switch from a life context of achieving to creating.

This switch for most of us will require a deep unlearning of our addiction to beliefs of lack and, instead, a development of our intuition and faith.

This often feels like the riskier path because it is new. And there it no way you can have the ultimate reward without risk.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When more leads to less

The more deeply we discover the depth of our beingness and the magic of the connections within and around us, the less there often is to say.

What if is our job to listen and facilitate, not prove or accomplish?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Obstacles are invitations

Obstacles are an opportunity to demonstrate to yourself how powerful you are and what you have faith in.

Remember, your power is your ability to choose how you respond, not necessarily your ability to push through something that isn’t serving you. Sometimes power looks like more effort, and true power also has equal parts ease.

May you have the ease to clearly see the correct places for you to apply your effort.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It can be easy, yet it takes energy

Habits are powerful. The great ones and the not-so-great ones.

There is nothing wrong with you because you haven’t spontaneously become a devoted practitioner of something new. Instead, you have old habits to break and new ones to make, starting with how you talk to yourself.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Stop complicating it

The truth is not always sexy or exciting. It’s simple. It may even be so simple that we can’t speak it with language; we can only feel it.

What if you made your life about feeling the simplicity of truth? What would you need to stop doing?

Of course, we are addicted to complicated because simplicity comes with the responsibility to respond and be accountable rather than react. The fantastic news about simplicity, however, is that it brings freedom.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Be less certain

What if you didn’t have to be right, know for sure, or maintain agreement with others?

What if you could instead be more curious and more comfortable with non-closure? What conversations might you be willing to engage in or begin if there were no outcome to force?

Try permitting yourself to be less certain. You might feel more confident.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Find a way to do what’s important

Especially if the important thing feels hard (a.k.a. new), it is probably going to be even more impactful once you do it. You are creative enough and resourceful enough to make it happen.

Just remember that not every thing that feels hard is important. It’s only essential if it’s useful for what you’re personally up to.

So if it’s a missing piece for your whole, make it happen. No one else can do it for you.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Stop fighting for what’s not working

Why are you fighting for it if it has not been serving you?

It is probably because it keeps the status quo in place and things predictable, which we subconsciously equate with safety. However, there are better ways to maintain a sense of security and groundedness than grip to limiting patterns.

Instead of focusing on why things cannot change, ask yourself what would be possible if they did. Allow the possibility of your freedom to triumph over the discomfort of the unknown.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You already have the attention you need

You likely have the attention of more than enough people to start something that matters.

Start with one, three, fifty, or one hundred; whatever small feels like to you. Then, focus on creating the best possible value for these folks, and you will help move us all in the direction we are meant to go; the direction of better.

It’s likely that you, like the rest of us, were misdirected and told that “more” is the direction you are meant to travel. But, unfortunately, these poor directions have led you to believe that 1 million or 1 billion is where meaning lives.

Start with the valuable attention you already have. Go for better. If more happens, let it, not at the expense of better.

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