Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Ideas need support

Ideas are wonderful. It even takes a specific skill set to be a prolific idea generator.

However, the key to change through bringing ideas to fruition lies in our practice of being excellent communicators and co-creators.

Ideas are different than listening, coaching, and collaborating. They are all valuable, so we need them all.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Who we can be for one another in the unknown

When we feel alone because we are in the unknown, the thing that might help us more than “knowing” is being around other folks who have felt alone because they don’t know and now know it’s okay not to know because they are not alone.

We should all seek people who show up with faith in themselves and one another as they discover the path forward. This is who we are designed to be for one another.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When not to act

Doubt is like a form of amnesia. It is good at discrediting our excellent work and happy memories, robbing us of our learnings, discoveries, and resilience.

When we feel like our connection to our best self has slipped away, our work is to notice that doubt is at play and to wait to make decisions until we have restored ourselves to the truth of who we are.

Doubt will come and go, and it’s not meant to dictate our lives. And, when we notice it, we can tap into faith and patience and the storm.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It’s going to be a great day

Because on the other side of it, you will be proud of who you were in response to life.

What if today, you put your energy into being proud of yourself and how you engaged with life instead of how you controlled or avoided it? It could be that this is where your true power lives.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Remembering is a discipline

We get distracted when we focus on who other people want us to be instead of who we are.

Getting distracted is easy and takes no energy. It can often feel like giving into our distractions is what will make life easier, when really, ease comes from releasing our desire to appease others.

Staying connected to who we are as we move through the world and engage with others is a discipline, and it is a discipline that brings peace.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Surrender to what’s most important to get what’s most important

There is a part of us that tends to lean away from the things that are most important in favor of what our lower personality tricks us into believing will make us happy, when at our core, we know the most important thing is what will fulfill us in the long term.

When you notice instant gratification and lack pulling you away from the truth, release your grip and surrender to what is essential and human to you at the moment. Surrender involves plunging into the unknown and is the most powerful thing we can do.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

How to transition to connection

The antidote to awkwardness is curiosity. The gift of curiosity is connection.

The detection of awkwardness can signify that connection is a couple of open-hearted questions away.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

An all-levels class

This beautiful, impermanent human experience is akin to an all-levels yoga or group class.

People are showing up with their strengths, areas for growth, preferences, habits, concerns, and relationships with others and the world around them. Of course, everyone’s experience could be different, and each individual’s response or reaction will differ based on the previously listed variables.

Our job as both an observer and a participant is to learn to grow by expanding our ability to hold space, which is another way of saying our ability to love unconditionally. The way to freedom is not through getting everyone to do the same thing or have the same experience because that’s impossible. The way to freedom is providing a loving, judgment-free space for people to learn and grow, including yourself.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Something I am practicing

Trusting myself allows me to relax, and it also increases my probability of success.

So in the places I feel stressed, I choose to know I am going to get there so I can enjoy the process of figuring it out.

Where might you choose to have faith in yourself so you can savor your precious life and make it fun?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Teaching others

The boundaries you place and the examples you set are the most essential ways you support your relationships and the people you are in them with.

It’s about what you stand for, not what the other person should or shouldn’t.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Control to contribution

We guarantee we will suffer when we make life about what we can control.

When we make life about what we can contribute regardless of circumstances, we guarantee our lives will be fulfilling.

The latter requires more discipline because we must practice letting go of what we cannot be responsible for and also practice being fully accountable for what we can. However, it is discipline that brings freedom.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The real reason you might feel frustrated

You might be feeling frustrated because you aren’t expressing your gifts.

It’s not actually about what other people do or don’t do. You will feel more and more wholeness in your life when you take full responsibility for sharing your unique talents and loving contribution as your number one priority.

When you find yourself frustrated or heavy, find freedom by taking your focus off needing others to change. To lighten yourself and maybe others up, get to work by providing what you are meant to provide.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You don’t lack what you can create

What if you are actually the creator of all of the things you were taught to believe there aren’t enough of?

What if you didn’t need to fight to acquire love, time, or money? What might you allow yourself expand into if you could create as much as you needed, whenever you needed?

The next question is, are you willing for that to be possible? It is only in our willingness for a new and more beautiful truth to be possible that it can have the chance to emerge.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Remember the future feeling

Remember a time when you felt so proud and grateful for having accomplished something that had previously seemed impossible or highly unlikely. How did it feel in your body?

Feel that feeling now, except feel it about that thing that currently seems out of reach.

You can. You will. You are.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Wherever you ended up

Your first thought or first reaction, it’s just that, the first one. The first one doesn’t equal the best one.

You are an infinitely creative being with the freedom to make as many changes as you need to until it feels right. That’s your job, to embrace your power to adjust.

You don’t need to be boxed in by wherever you ended up on the first go. Keep going until it feels just right.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Avoiding to creating

What do you want?

It is easy to focus on what you don’t want, limiting possibility and increasing negative stress, decreasing the likelihood of a new and desirable outcome.

If you are willing to shift your focus to what you want in a situation, you will likely open up the floodgates of possibility, seeing new solutions or choices you hadn’t seen before.

Try it out. As many times as you need to today, when you feel your focus on what to avoid, shift it to what you want to create.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Tiny boxes

What if, instead of approaching that thing you are resisting doing in the way you “should,” you brought your unique talents and genius to it and made it your own?

Your resistance, and everyone else’s, is trying to keep you in a box. Your gifts want to burst out of the box and be given.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You already are you

You already are everything you are meant to be to fulfill the place in the world you are meant to occupy.

There are new learnings to have and exciting ways to hone and support your expression and potential, and there is nothing lacking right now. There is nothing to pretend or wish for.

Your gifts probably don’t feel like gifts to you because you are so used to them, and they are unique to you and what you have to offer.

What would be possible for you and all of us if you relaxed into your genius and collaborated with others who did the same?

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