The freedom of new
If it feels overwhelming or hard, remember that it is new and that new is good.
If it feels mundane or predictable, remember that it is new and that new is good.
Possibility only exists inside of new. So use "new" to escape the traps of shoulds, can'ts, or won'ts and find freedom in the now.
Courage changes everything ❤️
What if the only missing ingredient is your courage?
You are the catalyst of your life. Your shaky, trembling yes holds more power than you know.
The utility of your problems
You can use your problems as access to create solutions and grow, which is part of your purpose. Or, you can use your problems to make yourself more stuck, which goes against your design.
The people you choose to talk to about what’s going on for you have a significant impact. If you share with people listening to collaborate and grow, you will likely see new opportunities. On the other hand, if you complain to folks who want to stay small, they will be happy to reinforce your smallness.
The way you treat and talk about your problems creates your life. Problems are not a problem. You are a solution.
Your accidental fight
Some of the most essential work is noticing the unnoticed.
If you are willing to look, you might see that you are accidentally wasting your energy fighting for your and our limitations.
Anywhere you are not willing to see that something new is possible, or that you can impact the thing you want to influence, or that thing you want to change is changeable, you are arguing for keeping your limitations in place.
Be responsible by being curious
You cannot control what happens or even how what happens makes you feel.
You can control whether or not you become curious about how you feel, and curiosity liberates your ability to choose what you focus on.
Responsibility is not a burden or a shield; it is your willingness to refocus so you can contribute again.
The vibration of truth
You deserve to live a life based in truth and wholeness. So does everyone else.
Keep imagining that future where we all have that. That’s our collective work- to imagine and feel wholeness in the midst of fragmentation.
We must allow the vision of the future to lead us instead of the heartbreaks of the past.
Take an advance
There are countless blessings coming your way that are now mysteries. You can be grateful in advance.
There are also inevitable heartbreaks and disappointments coming. You can forgive in advance.
You don’t have to wait for a special day to feel the good stuff and you don’t need to block it out by bracing for a let-down. You are designed to stay connected to the flames or embers of love if you stay present and choose.
Do it for after
If you don’t yet like doing uncomfortable or challenging things, take your attention off the discomfort and put it on the pride you will feel knowing you have done it.
It’s not that doing it feels good; it’s that having done it does. So once you get used to this feeling, there won’t be any going back.
The element that matters most
Your environment matters more than you can imagine, pulling you in the direction of your distractions or nudging you toward your potential. Of course, the colors, scents, and temperature matter, and there is something potentially even more critical to handle.
The conversations you tune into and engage in, internally and externally, might be the essential environmental factor to consider. Your language or silence could shape your life and future more than anything else. Whether it means ending a harmful conversation, starting a brave one, or joining an uplifting one, the correct conversation is waiting to support you.
When you love yourself
Your Self loves you back. And it will love talking with you and sharing with you.
The truest words come from the voice of love within. To hear them, slow down and give your generous listening.
From settling to expanding
Choosing happiness or contentment is not intended to make you settle for the understudy version of your vision.
True, circumstanceless contentment is about inspiring and moving you to expand into your potential. Enthusiasm is there. Keep feeling for it.
More, more, more
Life is all about more. The kind of more that comes from love and not from fear. The kind of more that comes from “enough” instead of “not enough.”
Most of us are taught we aren’t enough and that there’s not enough, which leads to over-consumption. You already know what it feels like to believe you need more from this place of lack.
Your job is to remember you are already enough, and there is already enough. This is when you can flow into your next levels of all of the good stuff- more expression, more contribution, more ease, more fun, more love, more generosity. More of what comes from love is always available, and it’s our responsibility to keep allowing it.
Another word for happiness
Is resilience. Long-term and sustainable happiness only comes when we let ourselves feel all the ups and downs of life.
Contentment does now come from only experiencing positive thoughts or emotions. It comes from trusting that no matter how uncomfortable an emotion or circumstance is, we will find our way back to ourselves .
To experience happiness, go for resilience.
The paradox of both
Our fulfillment lives in the dynamic balance we generate between choosing happiness and contentment in the present moment and taking bold action to move in the direction of our dreams.
Choosing contentment helps us remember that life is happening now, not later, once we are through the challenging thing. Taking action ensures that we are co-creating a better future.
The result won’t give us long-lasting happiness, and sustainable satisfaction comes from action sourced in non-attachment. So can we learn to love ourselves more deeply now and take the more significant, bolder steps we are meant to take?
Boundaries are a love language
When you give your yes and your no clearly to the people around you, you are trusting that they are big enough to honor your needs and wants.
Being transparent with people is an act of love and respect when you do it with compassion, empathy, and your higher purpose. Use your love to help you stay in the discomfort of standing your ground.
Do more and rest more
More actions and more rest. Both are possible when you stop hanging out in the in-between.
Instead of doing busy work to avoid the actual work, take the scary actions that will move the needle. You free up more time to rest when you do less stuff yet take intentional and potent steps.
You are worthy of doing more important things. You are worthy of more time to restore.
Ripples and waves
Variability is important. You are designed to thrive in just the right amount, with the “right amount” changing daily.
When you make a positive change, you may notice a perceived “negative” fluctuation in another area of your life. Instead of avoiding the positive change out of fear of the ripples, take a step back and see if the potential choice will elevate the quality of your life frequency overall. If it will, the dips are worth it.
Let the waves be fun and bring you life.
The power of a decision
Often, we think we have decided to do or be something when what we have done is chosen to do it until it becomes too hard or uncomfortable.
The power of a decision is that we cut off the other option. We say that being the other way is no longer even an option. Finishing the project is not an option; only finishing is. Staying resentful is no longer an option; only forgiving and staying connected to source is. Having a stressful relationship with time or money is no longer an option; only a relationship of creativity, ease, and power is.
Where is it time for you to make a true decision? And what actions would you need to take if you did? Again, your decision will open up the pathway, not your preference.
Avoiding as a source of power
Anything or anyone you feel like you have to avoid is controlling you.
Discerning to opt-out of something is different than avoiding it. The wonderful news is that when you notice you are in avoidance, you can make the choice to create a resolution, eventually resulting in a new depth of confidence and ease in your life.
To experience the confidence that comes with authentic choice and personal responsibility, you must be willing to experience some temporary discomfort. You can transform intentional discomfort into freedom.
It’s all about yes and no
Your yeses and your nos create your life.
Your ability to create Is directly given by your discipline to say yes and no to the right things.
And often, saying yes to the right thing means you don’t wait around to be invited. Say yes to yourself.