Get back in your flow
One tiny action away is the way out of a drift or stagnation and back into your flow.
Your energy, attention, and choice are so powerful that the only thing you need to do is channel them towards doing something positive right now. You don’t need to think about (aka attempt to control) all the things that may or may not happen in the future or the things you may or may not need to do later. You can’t know so that you can release your grip.
You might accidentally drift because you are judging the past and wishing you could change it. Of course, you can’t, so there’s no point in wasting your energy there.
The drift wins by taking you out of the present and your power. Come back to the now, funnel your energy into your ability to create, and step back into your flow.
Your highest level of creativity
Can begin to flow through you when you declare yourself the creator of:
Your relationships
Your wealth
Your health
Your self-expression
Your life
Your world
The future
Where you feel like you haven’t taken full responsibility is an area for you to liberate your creativity. Try it on out loud and see what happens.
“I am the creator of time,” or “I am the creator of my relationship with _______.” So anytime you lose your power in one of these areas, come back and decide who you are again.
An upgrade to “I will”
Instead of "I can, and I will," try on "I can, and I am." There is nothing you are going to overcome later to get get started. You have already begun and are in your process and your journey.
There is nothing you will learn today that will not be incredibly helpful as you arrive at your future destination. If you look at your choices today as an essential part of the whole picture, no matter how big the gap may seem between what's happening and what you are building to, you can experience success today rather than waiting until later.
Instead of will, try am.
Sunday affirmtion
I have the perfect amount of time to do everything I want to do and am meant to do.
You can is always the answer
So you can stop wasting your time indulging the voice of doubt.
Now you can ask yourself if your best self wants to because you also don’t need to. Then, from a precise inner alignment with your authentic yes or no, you can begin to let your successful future work with your intuition and wisdom to guide you to your next step.
The only way to know
Is to commit fully. When we step in only halfway and hope it doesn’t get hard, we can guarantee we will revert to the old status quo.
Sometimes we “try” to do things with less than 100 percent commitment, and then we blame the process, the obstacles, or the other people when our commitment is missing.
One big way most of us don’t go all in is by spending our valuable energy, mainly our attention and language, on things that keep us stuck playing the old games. Our focus and our words create everything.
If we are not ready to commit to the next level, we can save ourselves a lot of frustration by being honest about that. And, on the other hand, if we indeed are ready to transport ourselves to our next reality, we can ask ourselves:
What is it time to stop engaging in both our energy and conversation? And, what is it time to begin to devote our power to?
The only thing keeping you from taking your leap
Is that old mind junk that someone or a lower version of you left lying around in there.
If you are ready and willing for your life to be what it could be, it’s time to decide to change your relationship with the thoughts that keep you stuck. Not hope to, not wish to, not plan to. It’s time to decide.
In this upgraded relationship with your limiting thoughts, which could be self-criticism or doubt or the same directed towards another, choose to appreciate the thought for showing you that there is an opportunity to step to your next level. After you send gratitude to the thought, let it know that it does not have any authority over you, and then invite in the highest and best thought that is aligned with 100 percent self-worth and wholeness. Then, harness the body sensations of ease, excitement, or nervousness and step into the new paradigm.
It really can be this simple. Curiosity, clarity, gratitude, and courage will change everything if you decide to have them be your tools.
Yay! You noticed!
When you find your beautiful mind expending energy on worry, it’s something reminding you that you have a choice.
Most of the things we worry about are just whatever worries pop into our heads at that moment. They aren’t the “right” things to worry about and usually aren’t the most important things to focus our energy on. Our lower personalities don’t like when we get too happy, so they produce worried thoughts to limit us. When we notice this, we can release our grip on the thoughts and choose to refocus on clear communication flow with the universe instead.
Sometimes our worries direct us to our commitment, and there is something essential to take action on right now. When we notice this, we can choose to take action or actions and then refocus on the flow of the present moment again.
Please pay close attention to when worry thoughts creep in and don’t take them too seriously. Bring curiosity so you can choose what you focus on.
You might be dimming your light because
Many of us are accidentally taught at a young age that we should avoid the jealousy, envy, and judgment of others; and that the way to do this is to stay small.
The truth is, we are radiant and resilient enough to thrive even as others judge us. It is also true that people are always judging us anyway, so we cannot even avoid it. We are taught to dim ourselves for an impossible goal.
Play the best game
They keep playing the game because you keep playing it with them. So the only way for the game to stop is for you to stop playing it.
Our responsibility is to help us all win by opting out of games we all lose. Anything other than love is a losing game.
The difference between bad and great
It doesn't mean you are a bad (insert title here) because the people around you have challenging experiences.
You become a great (insert same title here) when you love people through their challenges and hold space for them to have their own experiences.
You were built for detours
Your GPS does not berate you for making a wrong turn. It reroutes you.
Instead of beating yourself up for a mistake, could you remember that you are built to be resilient and recover from mistakes?
Not only will you reroute automatically, but you might also even see something you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.
A one-step process for taking your power back
Choosing your response is the way you take your power back.
Things will happen to you and in the world that are different than what you prefer and leave you feeling powerless. You take your authority back by deciding how you respond.
Dissent is a guarantee
You can stand in your knowing without feeling threatened by someone else's disagreement.
To do so, you have to stop measuring your self-worth by the approval and agreement of others and remember that your worth is not up for debate. You are 100 percent worthy, and your perspective is needed.