Your most important enemy
Your most powerful adversary, and really the only enemy you need to face, is fear.
Fear is an expert shape-shifter, emerging to block us in unexpected ways. Fear is the thing that keeps you from exerting in that last five percent of work, the difference between leaving 100 percent on the field and falling just short. Fear is the thing that keeps us from ever even beginning, leaving our potential still inside of us. Fear is the thing that steals your focus and reroutes it to judgment of yourself and others, doubt of yourself and others, or worry about yourself and others. Fear tries with all its might to pit us against one another and hurt one another for fake versions of power, and it works because it is so sneaky.
However, our strongest weapon against fear is faith. Faith in our true essence, resilience, perfection under the imperfection, gifts, wisdom, and the unseen support around us. Faith is different than mere belief. Having faith means we take action in alignment with what we believe no matter what, regardless of circumstances. It is this unwavering steadfastness that can render us unstoppable.
The question is, are you willing to overcome the enemy by taking action in alignment with the Truth no matter what, regardless of the challenges? Or are you going to let fear’s sneaky tactics win?