Why you need to stop looking for what’s wrong in you

We have been wired and conditioned to focus on what is wrong with us so we don’t grow into our potential.

This is tricky because to evolve into the most whole versions of ourselves, we must be able to notice areas of possibility and hone our skills. Yet, seeking new skills from a place of inherent wholeness differs from extracting our sense of self-worth from our yet-to-be-developed growth areas. If we continue to allow everything we haven’t mastered yet, which is most things, to prove to us that we are incapable, we will never be at peace- and peace is our birthright.

If you are committed to expanding your ability to serve and provide value, you will never reach a “perfect” stopping point. With this being the case, why not focus on what is right inside you instead of what is wrong as you grow? You were born worthy, creative, and complete. Looking for reasons to believe otherwise will block you from receiving and, therefore, contributing. Imagine how much more willing you might be to seek new opportunities for learning, feedback, coaching, and helpful discomfort if you could rest inside your wholeness rather than wait for the world to tell you.

You are amazing. Some people and energies don’t want you to know that. You win when you focus on what is right in you.


Don’t do it “because”, do it “so you can”


Why Point A to Point B is never so simple