When more feels like less

We have been taught to see more as a measure of success. If we can have more, do more, and accomplish more, then we matter more. However, most of us have noticed that beyond a certain point, having more on our plates can make us miss out on the feelings of happiness we so deeply want.

What if success is the practice of having the perfect amount to experience what matters to you most? Maybe feeling presence, fulfillment, creativity, contribution, gratitude, happiness, or joy is just as valuable, or even more valuable, than trying to achieve an åun-achievable end goal of “more.” If more is always the goal, you will never have enough.

Ironically, there is always more presence, gratitude, joy, and all the other good stuff available. However, this is only the case when we stop making more for the sake of more our context for life.

Question what the mainstream says about success so you can feel successful.


Feel good instead of feeling right


Change and consistency