To find inspiration, let yourself be human
I have the ability to be inspired because I am human.
When I want to be moved from the inside out to take action rather than force myself with sheer willpower, it is an opportunity to become still and let myself feel what breaks my heart. And if I want to let my soul ache, I don’t have to look far. There is suffering happening everywhere.
As I allow the sorrow or anger to enter through the cracks of my broken heart, I can feel powerful sensations in my body, urging me to find a better way. My mind starts to narrow in on what I should fight against- violence, division, hatred, apathy, oppression, or maybe fear. Having something to fight against can be powerful, yet not as powerful as having something to stand for.
When I want to fight against hate, I am being inspired to fight for love. When I want to fight against apathy, I am being inspired to fight for compassion and empathy. When I want to fight against division, I am being inspired to fight for creativity, collaboration, listening, and wholeness. The inspiration allows me to keep my eyes and energy focused on what is possible and what is life-giving, moving me into action that leaves me feeling fulfilled in the long run. It sometimes feels easier to rely on outer forces to motivate me because then I don’t have to feel the bigness of life, yet it is only in my willingness to let my heart break and go deep within that I can be truly content.
To be inspired, let your heart break, which is the essence of being human.