The only way to be true to yourself
Is to listen to yourself. Creating space to listen to yourself and your wisdom is just as important (I’ll offer more critical) than anything else you make time for.
Especially if you have been avoiding listening because you don’t think there is anything to hear or because you don’t think you will like what you hear, this practice is essential. The more you listen, the more you will be able to hear, and the more you hear, the more you will be able to trust yourself.
To begin listening to yourself or to take listening to yourself to a deeper level, take a scan for what you have been listening to instead of yourself. This could be social media, the news, your friends’ gossip, the voice of doubt in your mind, your mom, Netflix, video games, email, work, or a multitude of other things.
One by one, begin to eliminate the excess and use that time to listen to you. The more you listen, the more you will want to hear. So, start the process and see what opens up. I bet you’ve got some good stuff to share.