The auditing process of joy

The joy we seek, whether it’s the quiet joy of every-day life, or the unignorable joy of the extraordinary, will reveal itself to us when we take our focus off of adding more stuff in, and instead practice eliminating the things that make us feel heavy, dull, and scattered.

When we are willing to experiment with releasing habits, patterns, beliefs, and vices that that block our vibrancy, our natural wellness and contentment will start to emerge. Happiness is part of our natural state and it will come more to the forefront of our experience when we let go of our distractions, forcing ourselves to focus on what truly matters.

Joy does not live in the energy-draining hustle towards something outside of ourselves. It dwells in the life-giving practices of presence and meaning.

What might you be willing trt letting go of that you had previously thought was essential to your happiness?


Work is how we work


How noticing distractions can help us create