Being the authority

In the book Influence, Richard Cialdini shares the power of authority when it comes to how we perceive information. People are way more likely to align with us if what we assert is backed by authority, whether that authority is a celebrity, a doctor, a subject-matter expert, or anyone else they hold in a high regard. Knowing this can help us choose one of three paths:

1. Be the authority and expert. This takes time, knowledge, commitment, and trust-building.

2. Align yourself with an authority and get their validation.

3. Understand that people just might not see and know what you see and know yet because they don’t deem you as the authority, and that’s ok because you can see yourself that way.

We aren’t rational, fact-influenced beings. We are emotional, feelings-influenced beings whether we like it or not. How might understanding this help you free yourself to have the impact you want?


Combine your mission with someone else’s perspective


The ones who can see what’s possible