Powerful over “perfect”

You can’t do everything perfectly. You can’t even do everything. You can’t even do most things, let alone everything.

Your power is in your focus and presence rather than your ability to get everything done precisely the way your mind wishes you could to achieve an unachievable ideal state of perfection.

Since your power is in your presence, your practice is to let go of doing all the things you cannot do right now and do the one most important thing: show up and devote yourself to the moment with love for yourself and others. With infinite things you could be doing and finite time available to you to do those things, it might feel helpful to let go of more and more “shoulds” so you can be powerful in the present instead of judging yourself for being imperfect.

Would you be willing to practice making powerful choices rather than trying to be perfect?


Are your beliefs undermining your intentions?


Responsibility and reward