Look for the real reason
We hide from one another behind reasonable explanations and pleasantries, and the opposite end of the spectrum, with aggression and verbal abuse. These approaches keep us from experiencing what we seek- authentic, loving connection.
When we notice ourselves sharing the “truth,” and it keeps us from feeling a deep connection, our job is to sense the real reason behind something. True sharing the truth goes beyond recounting facts or perceptions; it's about unveiling our authentic selves, fears, dreams, doubts, worries, commitments, and perceived vulnerabilities. It's about genuinely owning our experience of being human and doing it with love.
When we embrace this practice as a giver and a receiver, resonance flows in, and resonance gives way to understanding. By sharing the reality driving our actions and non-actions, we can hope to bridge the gap between our hearts and minds, possibly fostering more empathy, compassion, and understanding as we bring our hearts closer to the hearts of others.
What might happen today if you choose authenticity over pretense?