Holding space for progress

Growth is not linear, clean, comfortable, or standardize-able. It is dynamic, messy, uncomfortable, and completely unique and individual.

If you want to give yourself, other people, your organization, or your community space to grow, the number one skillset you need to cultivate is the ability to hold space for the unpreferrable and uncontrollable. If you can learn to allow yourself and others to be uncomfortable, frustrated, confused, or any other sort of emotional as things change, you will be able to see almost anything through.

People, ourselves included, don’t always see the benefits of growth that are waiting for us. Part of our job in holding space can also be to remind people of the big picture by continuing to envision it.

Progress is unpredictable. What if you gave up control and instead practiced trusting the process?


It’s never only one


When you are at your edge, are you really?