Guidance shows up when you trust yourself
Choosing not to trust yourself to deliver is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Trust is a form of self-love that unlocks your presence, forgiveness, creativity, and fun. It does not guarantee that you will produce the exact outcomes you hope for, yet it does guarantee that you will be able to learn and enjoy the process, which is the point of being a life.
Without self-trust, you will rely on less-than-optimal sources for guidance, like the past or gaining the approval of others. This is never fulfilling and will always leave you feeling like you failed in the long term, even if you achieve “success.”
Trust has nothing to do with the outcome, yet it does help us have more clarity and wisdom on the journey, which will likely improve the outcome if you are optimizing for a happy life.
Where could you trust yourself as a means to release yourself from the burden of life into the blessing of life?