Deciding over figuring it out
Deciding is different than having it all figured out. We think we can wait until the latter happens, and then we can do the former, yet this is untrue.
We can only have it “all figured out” mentally in retrospect. The power of deciding lives in the uncertainty we think we need to relieve ourselves from. If we already had it all perfectly planned and guaranteed, we wouldn’t even need to decide; we would just flow effortlessly down the path.
Once we embrace the mystery ahead of us and truly decide, we receive the commitment and creativity we need to be able to expand and navigate the unknown.
What if you didn’t need to wait to have it all figured out to decide?
do not need to mentally have it all figured out at this time. I can’t, anyway. Deciding is different from having it all mentally figured out. If you had it all mentally figured out, you wouldn’t need to decide. The power of deciding lives in the fact that there is a mystery