Creating is easier than you think

Your body, soul, and spirit are creative forces because they were created. Creativity is your essence, purpose, responsibility, and gift (both to give and receive).

To create means to bring something into existence, and you are doing this all day with your imagination, language, and responses and reactions. Creating is easier than you think because you are already always doing it.

Now, the question is, since you are already creating with your thoughts, words, and actions, what do you want to be bringing into being? If more love, generosity, kindness, presence, abundance, equity, joy, success, or anything else good is the answer, practice focusing on thoughts of this quality, disciplining yourself to speak words of this quality, and take actions or non-actions from this intention. This is a big practice, yet you are a big person.

What would you like to focus on creating today?


Meet yourself where you are, yet don’t underestimate what you’re capable of


Today is your life