Committing to things you can’t guarantee

When making a new commitment, the only thing you can guarantee likely is that you can’t guarantee it will come to fruition. This is how you might know that commitment is powerful and necessary.

If it were easy and obvious that it would work out, you wouldn’t need a commitment. Commitments exist to help you become the best version of yourself and help others do the same, not stay the same or prove what you already know.

Committing to something you are unsure about does not mean you give your word to something you know you can’t do. It means you love yourself and others enough to trust when you sense there is something in you to contribute, create, or experience bigger than your doubtful thoughts.

The most important commitment to make may be the one you aren’t positive you can fulfill, knowing that no matter what you create in the pursuit, it will be more expansive than where you are now.


Love is allowing with boundaries


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