B.S. Detecter

Your body is always telling you when something is happening that is misaligned with the Truth.

There are many “truths,” yet they are all sourced from a quality of love, wholeness, respect, and allowing. So, while there are many truths, they all connect us back to one greater Truth, which is a whole world to discover.

There are many lies, and they are all sourced from a quality of fear, brokenness, judgment, and resistance. Our bodies let us know when we are being exposed to these types of things through the sensations they produce, just like with Truth. Sometimes, the source of the lie is our own reactive thinking about ourselves or someone else; sometimes, it is the words or energy of others.

Our job is to notice when our body alerts us to an untruth and reroute ourselves back to the Truth. Our body is always excited to move back toward the Truth because that is where it thrives.

What could you change if you were present with your built-in lie detector?


Patience or bust


Are your beliefs undermining your intentions?